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Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events

Compare Versions of: "Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events"

The Compare function compares two years of the measure specifications found in the header of the measure's HTML. It does not include a comparison of any information in the body of the HTML, e.g., population criteria, Clinical Quality Language, or value sets.

Strikethrough text highlighted in red indicates information changed from the previous version. Text highlighted in green indicates information updated in the new eCQM version.

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Measure Information 2024 Reporting Period
Title Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Short Name


CBE ID* 3501e
Measure Steward Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

This measure assesses the number of inpatient hospitalizations for patients age 18 and older who have been administered an opioid medication and are subsequently administered an opioid antagonist within 12 hours, an indication of an opioid-related adverse event

Measure Scoring Proportion measure
Measure Type Outcome


Risk Adjustment



Opioids are often the foundation for sedation and pain relief. Opioid-based analgesia continues to be the most commonly used treatment in postoperative pain management, with more than 95% of surgical patients receiving opioids during their hospitalization (Baker et al., 2020). However,...

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Clinical Recommendation Statement

Naloxone is an opioid reversal agent typically used for severe opioid-related adverse events. Naloxone administration has been used in a number of studies as an indicator of opioid-related adverse events (Lynn et al., 2017, Nwulu et al., 2013).

From Section 10 of the 2015 American Heart...

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Improvement Notation

A lower proportion indicates higher quality


This measure defines the indication of a harm for an opioid-related adverse event by assessing administration of an opioid antagonist.

Inpatient hospitalizations: Includes time in the emergency department and observation when the transition between these encounters (if they exist) and the...

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To calculate the hospital-level measure result, divide the total numerator events by the total number of qualifying encounters (denominator).

Qualifying encounters (denominator) include all patients 18 years of age or older with at least one opioid medication administered outside of the...

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Initial Population

Inpatient hospitalizations for patients age 18 and older during which at least one opioid medication was administered outside of the operating room


Equals Initial Population

Denominator Exclusions



Inpatient hospitalizations where an opioid antagonist was administered outside of the operating room and within 12 hours following administration of an opioid medication. The route of administration of the opioid antagonist must be by intranasal spray, inhalation, intramuscular,...

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Numerator Exclusions

Not applicable

Denominator Exceptions


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Previous Version No Version Available


  • Removed duplicative statement regarding opioid antagonist administration in the operating room from the description as it is already in the guidance.

    Measure Section: Description

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated grammar, wording, and/or formatting to improve readability and consistency.

    Measure Section: Description

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated copyright.

    Measure Section: Copyright

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated disclaimer.

    Measure Section: Disclaimer

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated the rationale to reflect recent evidence supporting the importance of the measure.

    Measure Section: Rationale

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated the Clinical Recommendation Statement to reflect current evidence.

    Measure Section: Clinical Recommendation Statement

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated references.

    Measure Section: Reference

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Revised the Initial Population narrative to clarify that only opioid medications administered outside of the operating room (OR) will be evaluated.

    Measure Section: Initial Population

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Revised the Initial Population narrative to reflect the updated age anchor to 18 years and older at the start of the inpatient hospitalization to harmonize with other hospital measures.

    Measure Section: Initial Population

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Revised the narrative to clarify the route of administration of the opioid antagonist must be by intranasal spray, inhalation, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intravenous injection in order to be evaluated for the numerator.

    Measure Section: Numerator

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Revised the narrative to remove 'Naloxone' when describing the opioid antagonists since it is no longer the only opioid antagonist medication in the measure.

    Measure Section: Multiple Sections

    Source of Change: Measure Lead


  • Revised the age anchor to 18 years and older at the start of the inpatient hospitalization to harmonize with other hospital measures.

    Measure Section: Initial Population

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Revised the definition name to align with logic content.

    Measure Section: Initial Population

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated the Initial Population to exclude events where the opioid medication was given in the operating room.

    Measure Section: Initial Population

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated the Numerator definition to only evaluate opioid antagonists given by a non-enteral (i.e., intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intranasal, inhalation) route. Revised the definition name to align with logic content.

    Measure Section: Numerator

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated the names of CQL definitions, functions, and/or aliases for clarification and to align with the CQL Style Guide.

    Measure Section: Definitions

    Source of Change: Standards/Technical Update

Value Set

The VSAC is the source of truth for the value set content, please visit the VSAC for downloads of current value sets.

  • Added nalmefene as a new type of opioid antagonist medication to the value set Opioid Antagonist (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.119) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Added value set Routes of Administration for Opioid Antagonists (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.187) based on change in measure requirements/measure specification.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Opioids, All (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1196.226): Added 19 RxNorm codes based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback. Deleted 153 RxNorm codes based on terminology update.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Opioid Antagonist (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.119): Added 2 RxNorm codes (199059, 2592953) based on updated evidence in published guidelines, published literature, or from published specialty medical society or group recommendations. Added 1 RxNorm code (2596175) based on terminology update. Deleted 2 RxNorm codes (1191212, 1191228) based on terminology update.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Payer (2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.3591): Added 5 SOP codes (1111, 1112, 142, 344, 141) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

Last Updated: Jun 03, 2024