Electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) are measures specified in a standard electronic format using data electronically extracted from electronic health records (EHRs) and/or health information technology (IT) systems to assess the quality of health care provided. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) uses eCQMs in a variety of quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs.
There are several benefits of using eCQMs:
- eCQMs use clinical data enabling more accurate assessment of treatment outcomes by measured entities to assess the outcomes of treatment by measured entities.
- eCQMs use electronic standards, which help reduce the burden of manual abstraction and reporting for measured entities.
- eCQMs foster the goal of access to real-time data for point of care quality improvement and clinical decision support.
Measured entities use eCQMs to provide feedback on their care systems and to help them identify opportunities for clinical quality improvement. Measured entities report eCQMs to CMS, The Joint Commission, other federal health agencies, and commercial insurance payers in programs that track and/or reimburse measured entities based on quality reporting or quality performance.
Review eCQM Basics, eCQM 101 - Getting Started with eCQMs for Quality Reporting Programs, and visit the eCQM Annual Timeline and Educational Resources pages to learn more about eCQMs.
Find eCQMs
Report eCQMs
For CMS programs, eligible hospitals, critical access hospitals, and/or eligible clinicians must use the most current version of eCQMs when reporting eCQMs to CMS.
- For hospital inpatient reporting guidance, visit QualityNet and the Quality Reporting Center for specific program reporting education.
- For hospital outpatient reporting guidance, visit QualityNet and the Quality Reporting Center for specific program reporting education.
- For clinician reporting guidance, visit the Quality Payment Program website and the Quality Payment Program Resource Library.
- For federal health agency programs using eCQMs, refer to specific program requirements.
CMS National Quality Strategy
The Quality Mission of the CMS National Quality Strategy is to achieve optimal health and well-being for all individuals. The Quality Vision is shaping a resilient, high-value American health care system delivering high-quality, safe, and equitable care for all.
Universal Foundation
The goal of the Universal Foundation is to align quality measures across CMS and advance the vision of the National Quality Strategy. Interoperability is a goal of the National Quality Strategy and several of the initial list of Universal Foundation measures are eCQMs.
Meaningful Measures 2.0
CMS’s Meaningful Measures 2.0 promotes innovation and modernization of all aspects of quality, addressing a wide variety of settings, stakeholders, and measurement requirements.
The eCQM Strategy Project
The eCQM Strategy Project supported the CMS Patients Over Paperwork initiative to evaluate and streamline regulations with a goal to reduce unnecessary burden, to increase efficiencies, and to improve the beneficiary experience. The project provided CMS with an understanding of eCQM implementation and reporting burden and made recommendations for improvement in the use of eCQMs in CMS quality reporting programs. Read the report here.
Many different organizations may participate in the development and maintenance of electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Measures Management System is a standardized system providing details on the process for developing and maintaining the quality measures used in CMS's various quality reporting and incentive programs. Information on the clinical quality measure and eCQM lifecycle is available in the Blueprint content on the CMS Measures Management System Hub and on the eCQM Lifecycle webpages. CMS's Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Style Guide is for measure developers; it provides examples to standardize the expression of measure concepts across eCQMs and define a uniform look and feel to eCQM logic using CQL. The Guide also provides a set of common best practices for implementation across CQL-based eCQMs used in CMS quality reporting and incentive programs.
eCQM Lifecycle
The eCQM Lifecycle is a series of stages eCQMs progress through development (conceptualization, specification, and testing), implementation, and maintenance. CMS and measure developers provide several opportunities for stakeholders to engage throughout the Measure Lifecycle.
Endorsement of eCQMs
The CMS Consensus-Based Entity (CBE) endorses quality measures through a transparent, consensus-based process to evaluate the extent to which measures are safe and effective. CMS uses CBE-endorsed measures in some of their quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs. Note, not all CBE-endorsed measures are used in CMS programs and all CMS measures are not CBE-endorsed. The CMS CBE has posted their inventory, the Submission Tool and Repository (STAR), with CBE numbers replacing the National Quality Foundation (NQF) numbers. The numbers did not change.
Updates to eCQMs
CMS requires eCQMs adopted by CMS programs to be updated annually to reflect changes in evidence-based medicine, code sets, and measure logic. CMS works with measure stewards, measure developers, and eCQMs users to ensure necessary changes are reflected in the Annual Update.
Structure of eCQMs
To facilitate reporting from an electronic health record (EHR) and/or other health information technology, eCQMs are made of electronic specifications. Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF), CQL, Expression Logical Model (ELM), and other Health Level Seven International® (HL7) standards, are used for electronically documenting eCQM content.
Coding of information for eCQMs consists of
- Computable representations of the eCQM contain important details about the measure, the definition of the data elements, and the underlying logic of the measure calculation. The files include
- HQMF XML syntax (.xml). The HQMF includes a header and a body. The header identifies and classifies the document and provides important metadata about the measure. The HQMF body contains eCQM sections (e.g., definitions, population criteria, supplemental data elements).
- Shared CQL libraries (.cql, .xml, and .json). The shared libraries are the basic units of sharing CQL. They consist of a foundation of CQL statements used within a measure. Every measure has at least one main CQL library referenced from HQMF.
- CQL file (.cql). The CQL file provides the expression logic for data criteria, population criteria, and supplemental data elements. It provides a formal description of the computable content in the measure and organized into libraries for reusing or sharing between measures and other artifacts.
- Expression Logical Model (ELM) XML document (.xml). ELM provides a machine-readable representation of the measure’s logic in XML. The intent of the ELM file is for machine processing and provides the information needed to retrieve data from an EHR automatically.
- ELM JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file (.json). The JSON file is the ELM file in JavaScript Notation, as opposed to XML.
- Human-readable representation of the eCQM displays the eCQM content in a human-readable format directly in a web browser, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file (.html). This file does not include the underlying HQMF syntax, but the narrative content at the top of the HTML is an extraction from the HQMF header.
- Value sets and direct reference codes (DRCs) convey specific coded value(s) allowed for the data elements within the eCQM. Identification of value sets is via an object identifier (OID) and each value set includes several metadata elements describing the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the codes in the set. The value set includes a list of codes (i.e., the value set expansion code set) acceptable or valid for a specific data element in the measure, descriptors of those codes, the code system from which the codes are derived, and the version of the code system. DRCs are specific codes referenced directly in the eCQM logic to describe a data element or one of its attributes. Find value sets and DRCs in the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC).
Naming eCQMs
CMS created a unique “CMS eCQM Identifier” to name eCQM files. The naming convention adds the eCQM identifier assigned to the eCQM in the Measure Authoring Development Integrated Environment (MADiE) with the “eCQM Version Number.” “CMS” is in front of the number. The eCQM Version Number indicates the published version of the eCQM. For example, based on this naming convention, eligible clinician measure (Diabetes: Eye Exam) would be CMS131v9 for the ninth version of the measure. Use the eCQM Naming and Terminology Guide for guidance regarding common words, phrases, and technical terms used in conjunction with eCQMs.
eCQM Information | Value |
eCQM Identifier (MADiE) | 131 |
eCQM Version number | 9 |
CMS eCQM identifier | CMS131v9 |
Health IT Certification for eCQM Reporting
The ONC Health Information Technology Certification Program, a voluntary certification program administered by the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC), ensures that health information technology (“health IT”) meets federally-required technological, capability, functionality, and security requirements. Under this program, health IT product developers certify health IT modules by demonstrating that they conform to certification criteria specified under the program.
The ONC Health IT Certification Program supports the availability of certified health IT for use under federal, state, and private programs. Those CMS programs include, but are not limited to, the Quality Payment Program, Inpatient Quality Reporting Program, and Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program.
ASTP/ONC aligns testing requirements for Health IT Modules with the certification criteria adopted by the Secretary, including criteria related to electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). Only ASTP/ONC-approved test methods can be used to test products intended for certification in the ONC Health IT Certification Program (though any individual or organization may submit test methods to ASTP/ONC for approval). Currently, ASTP/ONC has approved the Cypress open source testing tool.
The test procedures and certification companion guides linked below are designed to aid stakeholders in the development and testing of health IT modules:
Regulation Text Citation | Certification Criterion | Certification Companion Guide |
§ 170.315(c)(1) | CQMs – record and export | Guide |
§ 170.315(c)(2) | CQMs – import and calculate | Guide |
§ 170.315(c)(3) | CQMs – report | Guide |
§ 170.315(c)(4) | CQMs – filter | Guide |
Note. The certification criteria uses ‘CQMs’ when referencing eCQMs.
Visit ASTP/ONC’s Certification of Health IT webpage for detailed information on the ONC Health IT Certification Program and information on the ONC Health IT Certification Program Test Method.
Read the regulations impacting eCQM certification criteria in the ONC Health IT Certification Program:
- The Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing (HTI-1) Final Rule made updates to standards referenced the “CQMs – filter” certification criterion in § 170.315(c)(4).
- The 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program Final Rule (Cures Act Final Rule) made updates to the “CQMs—report” criterion in § 170.315(c)(3) to require that health IT developers use the CMS QRDA IG appropriate to the measures being submitted for testing and certification.
- The Information Blocking and the ONC Health IT Certification Program: Extension of Compliance Dates and Timeframes in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Interim Final Rule clarified that health IT developers with health IT certified to § 170.315(c)(3) as of June 30, 2020, would have to update such certified health IT to the revisions in the Cures Act Final Rule by December 31, 2022.
- Building on the previous edition of health IT certification criteria, the 2015 Edition Health Information Technology (Health IT) Certification Criteria, 2015 Edition Base Electronic Health Record (EHR) Definition, and ONC Health IT Certification Program Modifications Edition Final Rule adopted the current eCQM certification criteria in § 170.315(c)(1) - (4) to support providers' quality improvement activities and their ability to electronically generate CQM reports for reporting with certified health IT to programs such as the Quality Payment Program.
Use the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) to view health information technology successfully tested and certified for use.
Provide feedback on health IT certified to the eCQM certification at https://www.healthit.gov/topic/contact-us.
The eCQI Resource Center has resources for the implementation of eCQMs throughout the website, which you can search using Advanced Search (located in the upper right of each page). Key resources include:
- eCQM Annual Timeline
- eCQM Implementation Checklist
- eCQM Resources - Located on the Eligible Clinician, Hospital-Inpatient, and Hospital-Outpatient pages, filter the resources by Implementation Guidance.
- eCQM Education - Located under the Implementing eCQMs headers.
- Advanced Search – Located in the upper right of each page on the eCQI Resource Center. Narrow the results of your search by Implementer User Type and/or eCQM Implementation.
- eCQI Tools & Key Resources Library - Refine the list of tools and resources by selecting the Implementation category. Further refine your search results by selecting a role that best describes your needs.
- CQL for Implementers
- Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) for Implementers
- FHIR Education
- FHIR Specification and Implementation Guides (coming soon)
Filter Tools & Resources
Title | Category | Role | Description |
ASTP ONC Project Tracking System (Jira) | Certification, Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development, Implementation, Testing | CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The ONC ASTP Project Tracking System (Jira) is a collaboration platform hosted by the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP)/Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). It provides users with a common place to transparently log, track, and discuss issues with subject matter experts on many topics, including electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) implementation. CMS uses Jira during most phases of the eCQM lifecycle, including development, implementation, and maintenance. The ASTP/ONC Project Tracking System (Jira) and Confluence have a 90-day account deactivation policy for all users who have not logged into systems for a period of 90 days or longer. Reminder: |
BPS | Implementation | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The value set Binding Parameter Specification (BPS) is generated by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) as part of the Value Set Authority Center’s (VSAC) Downloadable Resources. The BPS details the usage of value sets by electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs), the binding of value sets to QDM categories, and the value sets object identifiers (OIDs) used to create grouping value sets. It also lists other select value set metadata, allowing eCQM implementers and vendors to use the BPS to track versions and other parameters of the value sets for each eCQM release. Users can access the BPS metadata file for any released set of CMS eCQM value set files through the NLM's VSAC Downloadable Resources. Access requires a free Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) license. |
CDS Connect | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect is a freely available web-based platform, including an authoring tool and a repository, enabling the CDS community to identify evidence-based care, translate and codify information into an interoperable health information technology standard, and leverage tooling to promote a collaborative model of CDS development. |
CDS Hooks | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Hooks is a Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) specification managed by the HL7 Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Workgroup providing a way to embed additional, near real-time functionality within a clinician’s workflow of an electronic health record. A specified event(s) within the clinician’s workflow triggers the CDS service, which gathers the appropriate specified data elements through secure Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) services. By utilizing FHIR services, CDS Hooks provides interoperability between multiple stakeholders operating on different platforms. The FHIR service app can return appropriate guidance, such as proposed alternative medication or formulary information. CDS Service vendors can test CDS Service functionality using the CDS Hooks Sandbox. More advanced functionality is under development, such as the multi-interested party Da Vinci Burden Reduction Project and provides use cases for alerts/notifications, prior authorization, and document exchange. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's CDS Connect Project provides a web-based platform to assist with development of CDS artifacts and CDS Hooks. |
CHPL | Certification | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor | The Certified Health Information Technology (IT) Product List (CHPL) is a comprehensive and authoritative listing of all certified health information technology that have been successfully tested and certified by the ONC Health IT Certification Program. All products listed on the CHPL have been tested by an ONC-Authorized Testing Laboratory (ONC-ATL) and certified by an ONC-Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) to meet criteria adopted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). For additional information on how to navigate the CHPL, please refer to the CHPL Public User Guide. |
ClinFHIR | Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | ClinFHIR is an open-source tool providing an educational environment and also allows health information technology developers to create or search for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®)-based resources. It serves as a training tool to help people wanting to learn more about FHIR visualize how the parts combine to represent clinical information in a structured and coded manner. It also serves as a development tool with features to build some of the required artifacts, particularly as an aid to learning. |
CMIT | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT) is the repository of record for information about CMS quality measures. CMS and its partners use the inventory to inform stakeholders, manage its measure portfolio, and guide measure development. The functions allow users to find measures quickly, compile and refine sets of related measures, identify measures across the continuum of care, and help coordinate measurement efforts across all conditions, settings, and populations. |
CMS EHR Certification Number | Certification, Reporting | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | A CMS Electronic Health Record (EHR) Certification ID is a number generated by the Certified Health Information Technology (IT) Product List (CHPL) and used for reporting to CMS. It represents a single product or combination of products in the CHPL. The CMS EHR Certification ID is different from the CHPL product number. In the CHPL, this is the number generated when the hospital/clinician selects EHR Certification ID for a suite of products making up the hospital's/clinician's EHR solution. If a product changes, then a different CMS EHR Certification ID will be generated. The CMS EHR Certification ID is only unique to the product suite. If two different hospitals/clinicians happen to use the same products, then they will both have the same CMS EHR Certification ID. CMS requires the CMS EHR Certification ID in several of its quality reporting programs. Check with individual quality reporting programs for requirements. |
CMS Help Desks | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | CMS Help Desks listed on the Electronic Clinical Quality Improvement (eCQI) Resource Center Contact Us page provide information and assistance regarding electronic clinical quality measures and tools used in CMS quality reporting programs. |
CMS MERIT | Development | Measure Developer/Steward | The CMS Measures Under Consideration Entry/Review Information Tool (CMS MERIT) is the web-based data collection portal allowing measure developers to submit candidate measures to CMS for consideration. The Tool walks the submitter through the process of providing information. Each submitter has a dashboard allowing them to track the progress of their submitted measure and to communicate with CMS through the comment function. The Tool also provides a view of all measures submitted for the current year. Another purpose of CMS MERIT is to give federal officials, the consensus-based entity multi-stakeholder groups, and other stakeholders more information as they review measures. |
CMS MMS Hub | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The CMS Measures Management System (MMS) Hub is a resource providing information about the MMS, guidance for measure developers (content previously found in the Blueprint), and quality measure-related news and events. It includes information on measure development, measure implementation, measure maintenance, tools, templates, opportunities to participate in public comment and technical expert panels, and more. |
CMS QRDA IGs | Implementation, Reporting | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The CMS Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) Implementation Guides (IGs) are based on the Health Level Seven International® QRDA IGs. The CMS QRDA Category I IG is used for hospital CMS quality reporting programs. |
CMS QRDA Pre-Submission Validation Tools | Implementation, Reporting, Testing | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The CMS Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) Pre-Submission Validation Tools are resources offering QRDA validation tools available to submitters. The intent is to give users a single point of reference for these tools and assist them in selecting the most appropriate tool to meet their individual needs. The tools cover
CQF | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Clinical Quality Framework (CQF) is a collaborative community of participants from the public and private sectors focused on providing tools, services, and guidance to harmonize standards for clinical decision support and electronic clinical quality measures use in clinical quality improvement. |
CQF Ruler | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Clinical Quality Framework (CQF) Ruler comprises a collection of plugins tailored for the HAPI Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) JPA server providing an implementation of the FHIR Clinical Reasoning Module for processing quality measures and serves as a knowledge artifact repository and clinical decision support service. |
CQL | Development | CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | Clinical Quality Language (CQL) is a Health Level Seven International® mixed normative/standard for trial use and it is part of the effort to harmonize standards between electronic clinical quality measures and clinical decision support. CQL provides the ability to express logic that is human readable yet structured enough for processing a query electronically. |
CQL Evaluation Engine (Java) | Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Evaluation Engine is an open source Java-based evaluation engine capable of evaluating the result of any CQL expression. Note: this is a component in the CQL translator repository. |
CQL Execution Framework | Development | CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Execution Framework is a set of JavaScript libraries that can execute CQL artifacts expressed as JavaScript Object Notation Expression Logical Model. |
CQL Formatting and Usage Wiki | Development | Academics/Researchers, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Formatting and Usage Wiki is a collaborative workspace for the development of CQL formatting conventions and usage patterns for the representation of logic within quality measures. All users have editing rights, able to submit edits, add comments and concerns. Items on the Wiki are a work in progress and subject to change. |
CQL Library | Development | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | A Clinical Quality Language (CQL) library is a container for artifact logic/expressions. A CQL library contains declarations which specify the items found in the library. Every electronic clinical quality measure has at least one CQL library. For more information, see the CQL Style Guide and the Health Level Seven International® CQL Author’s Guide. |
CQL Runner | Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Runner is an online platform for ad hoc testing of CQL. |
CQL Style Guide | Development | Measure Developer/Steward | The Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Style Guide provides standardized expressions of electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) concepts across eCQMs and defines a uniform “look and feel” to eCQM logic using CQL. The CQL Style Guide focuses on a set of common best practices that have been implemented across CQL-based eCQMs in CMS quality reporting programs. The CQL Style Guide also promotes the use of consistent language within the framework of CQL, including libraries, aliases, definitions, and functions, and provides guidance on other conventions, such as operator precedence. eCQM stewards or developers who are developing or specifying eCQMs for potential inclusion in CMS reporting programs should follow these best practices. |
CQL-to-ELM Translator Reference Implementation | Development, Implementation | CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The CQL-to-ELM Translator is an open-source reference implementation that translates the high-level Clinical Quality Language (CQL) syntax into the Expression Logical Model (ELM) representation. The reference implementation is used in support of Clinical Quality Framework implementations as a tool to enable CQL output to be uniformly and automatically translated into ELM XML or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) documents for sharing and distribution to support implementation, integration, translation, and execution of CQL-based artifacts. For more information or to get involved, visit the Clinical Quality Framework initiative page on the Health Level Seven International® website. |
CQMCommonQDM Library | Development | CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | A CQMCommonQDM Library (formerly known as Global Common Library) is a shared Clinical Quality Language (CQL) library which contains CQL expressions for all eCQM developers to use when specifying electronic clinical quality measures. For more information, see the CQL Style Guide located the on the Get Started with eCQM Development tab. |
Crucible | Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | Crucible is a suite of open-source testing tools for Health Level Seven International® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®). It helps the FHIR development community ensure correct FHIR implementations. Crucible can test for conformance to the FHIR standards, score patient records for completeness, generate synthetic patient data, and test SMART on FHIR applications. |
Cypress | Implementation, Reporting, Testing | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | Cypress, with the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+), is an open source testing tool used by vendors to certify their electronic health records (EHRs) and health information technology (IT) modules for calculating electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). Cypress is an official testing tool for the ONC Health IT EHR Certification Program. Testing involves Cypress generating synthetic patient records for the subset of published eCQMs selected for certification and testing the ability of the health IT modules to accurately record, import, calculate, filter, and report eCQMs. |
Cypress Tech Talks | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Cypress Tech Talks are an open forum for discussing technical implementation and tool issues with the Cypress support team. |
De Novo Measure Scan | Development | CDS Developer/Steward, Measure Developer/Steward | The De Novo Measure Scan (DNMS) is an advanced feature of the Environmental Scan Support Tool (ESST) on the controlled access CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT) site. You must have a CMIT login to access. The DNMS helps measure developers conduct early and frequent environmental scans while developing new measures. The DNMS uses a Clinical Quality Measure ontology to describe a measure and represent quality measure concepts. Components of the ontology include target population, health status or utilization, change concept, expected output of the change concept, and care setting. The DNMS uses structured search terms to represent the measure concepts to build a new measure and uses artificial intelligence to identify and prioritize the most relevant PubMed, PubMed Central, and CINAHL related literature. |
DEQM | Implementation, Reporting | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) Data Exchange for Quality Measures (DEQM) Implementation Guide (IG), provides a framework defining conformance profiles and guidance to enable the exchange of quality improvement information including quality measure reporting (e.g., for transferring quality information from a health care provider to a payor) using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®)-based resources. The DEQM IG supports data exchange and reporting scenarios including individual reporting, summary reporting, and gaps in care reporting. The DEQM Individual MeasureReport profile supports individual reporting and the DEQM Summary MeasureReport profile supports summary reporting. These profiles support the Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) Category I and QRDA Category III reporting use cases in the Quality Data Model-Clinical Quality Language-QRDA paradigm. The HL7 workgroup, Clinical Quality Information (CQI), manages the changes to this FHIR IG through the standard balloting process. The update cycle follows closely with the Quality Measure IG and Quality Improvement Core (QI-Core) Implementation Guide (IG). |
eCQI Resource Center User Group | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Consumer, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Electronic Clinical Quality Improvement (eCQI) Resource Center User Group is a volunteer forum of eCQI Resource Center users that use the site to obtain resources necessary for electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) development, implementation, reporting, and education on key eCQM and eCQI concepts and standards. The eCQI Resource Center User Group meets quarterly on the 3rd Tuesday at 3:00pm ET. |
eCQM Annual Update Pre-publication Document | Development, Implementation, Reporting | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | This document describes the versions of the standards and code systems used in conjunction with the updated eCQMs for potential use in CMS programs for a given reporting/performance period. |
eCQM Concepts Module | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development | Academics/Researchers, Consumer, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Measure Collaboration Workspace Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM) Concepts Module gives users the ability to suggest new eCQM concepts and comment on other's suggested eCQM concepts. CMS encourages all stakeholders, including patients and point of care clinicians, to suggest eCQM concepts and offer comments on others' suggested eCQM concepts. |
eCQM DERep | Implementation | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The eCQM Data Element Repository (DERep) provides clarification, definitions, and clinical focus for the data elements associated with electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) used in CMS quality reporting and incentive programs. Users can filter information by data element, eCQM, Quality Data Model (QDM) attribute, QDM category, QDM datatype, or QDM entities. |
eCQM Flows | Implementation | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) Flows are flowcharts designed to assist in the interpretation of the eCQM logic and provide the calculation methodology to determine measure scores. These flows provide an overview of each of the population criteria components and associated data elements that lead to the inclusion, exclusion, or exception into the eCQM’s denominator and numerator, if applicable. The eCQM flows are available for eligible clinician eCQMs, hospital-inpatient eCQMs, and hospital-outpatient eCQMs. |
eCQM Implementation Checklist | Implementation | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Implementation Checklist assumes a health care practice/organization has determined which quality measures to report. The checklist provides the necessary technical steps health information technology developers, implementers, and health care organizations must take to update their systems and processes with the eCQM Annual Update for the upcoming reporting and performance periods. The most recent eCQM Annual Update should be applied to electronic health record systems for use in electronic quality reporting. |
eCQM Known Issues | Implementation | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Known Issues tracker provides implementation information for eCQMs with known technical issues for which a solution is under development but not yet available in a published eCQM specification. This includes discrepancies between eCQM narrative and logic, value sets, and/or technical, standard, or logic-related issues. |
eCQM Logic and Implementation Guidance | Implementation | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Logic and Implementation Guidance is a resource document which provides guidance for understanding, using, and/or implementing eCQMs. This document includes useful context and details regarding topics such as Clinical Quality Language representation in the technical specifications, applying data elements and value sets/coding, and the ONC Project Tracking System (Jira) to provide feedback on the eCQMs. |
eCQM Testing Opportunities | Development, Testing | Consumer, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Testing Opportunities Module within the eCQI Resource Center’s Measure Collaboration Workspace enables eCQM developers to announce testing opportunities. This module allows developers to evaluate various aspects of eCQMs, including feasibility, reliability, validity, and usability. Interested parties wanting to participate in testing eCQMs should contact the eCQM developer directly. |
ESST | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Environmental Scan Support Tool (ESST) is a tool within the CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT) environment, intended to automate environmental scans required in the information gathering process to develop and maintain quality measures. The ESST uses an automated natural language processing approach that rapidly scans literature in PubMed, PubMed Central, and CINAHL to
Federal Register | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Consumer, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. The Federal Register is published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration. |
FHIR | Development, Implementation, Reporting | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) is an open-source Health Level Seven International® standard for exchanging health care information electronically. It is the next generation exchange framework being adopted by the health care community to advance interoperability. |
FHIR eCQM Examples | Development, Implementation, Reporting | Academics/Researchers, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Examples is a webpage in the Quality Measure Implementation Guide containing example eCQMs using FHIR. |
FHIR Implementation Guide Registry | Development, Implementation, Reporting | Academics/Researchers, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) Implementation Guide Registry is a list of many of the implementation guides defined by the FHIR community. |
FHIR Terminology Service for VSAC Resources | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) Terminology Service for Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) Resources is a representational state transfer application programming interface service for accessing the VSAC value sets and supported code systems. It assumes working knowledge of FHIR resources. Access requires a free Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) license. |
Guide for Reading eCQMs | Implementation | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Guide for Reading Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) is a resource to help measured entities, quality analysts, implementers, and health information technology vendors understand eCQMs. The Guide provides background on eCQM packages, which are the building blocks of eCQMs, and an overview for a user to understand the human-readable format of eCQMs. The Guide also provides information related to value sets, Quality Data Model data criteria, and more. |
Health IT Certification for eCQM Reporting | Certification | Health IT Developer/Vendor | The Office of the National Coordinator for the Health Information Technology (ONC) Certification Program is a voluntary certification program established by ONC to provide for the certification of health information technology. The program ensures that Certified Health Technology meets the technological capability, functionality, and security requirements adopted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The ONC develops the functional and conformance testing requirements for the testing and certification criteria related to electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). |
HL7 CQL-HQMF IG | Development | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | This Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) Clinical Quality Language (CQL)-Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) Implementation Guide (IG) defines an approach to using CQL with the Quality Data Model (QDM) and HQMF to define electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). The IG describes the use of CQL to express the logic and the US Domain conceptual data model, QDM, to express the individual data types and their attributes for an eCQM detailed using the HQMF standard. |
HL7 QRDA I IG | Implementation, Reporting | Hospital, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category I Implementation Guide (HL7 QRDA I IG) describes constraints on HL7's Clinical Document Architecture Release 2 (CDA R2) to create a QRDA I document. QRDA Category I is for reporting quality data at the individual patient level. |
HL7 QRDA III IG | Implementation, Reporting | Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category III Implementation Guide (HL7 QRDA III IG) describes constraints on HL7's Clinical Document Architecture Release 2 (CDA R2) to create a QRDA III document. QRDA Category III is for reporting aggregated quality measure data and supports reporting for improvement activities and Promoting Interoperability measures. |
HL7 Quality Measure IG | Development | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Quality Measure Implementation Guide (IG), or QM IG, is intended to provide guidance on the representation of quality measures including electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) Clinical Reasoning Module. It provides requirements for eCQM structure, metadata, definitions, and logic for use when authoring, packaging and evaluating quality measures. |
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) System | Reporting | Hospital, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) Secure Portal is the only CMS-approved website for secure communications and health care quality data exchange between quality improvement organizations, hospitals, physician offices, nursing homes, end-stage renal disease networks and facilities, and data vendors. It provides secure data exchange to and within various CMS quality reporting programs, including Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting, Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting, Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting, Prospective Payment System-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting, Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting, and the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program. For hospital quality reporting, users must create a Health Care Quality Information Systems (HCQIS) Access Roles and Profile (HARP) account to log into HQR. Submitters can navigate within the HQR system and perform tasks based on the program data that are submitted, such as data submissions, data results, program reporting, and administration. For information on registering for a HARP account and additional resources, visit the Registering for HARP page on QualityNet. Please contact the Centers for Clinical Standards and Quality (CCSQ) Service Center at (866) 299-8912 or QNetSupport@cms.hhs.gov for assistance. |
HQMF | Development | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | HL7 defines the Health Quality Measures Format (HQMF) as a standard for representing a health quality measure as an electronic document. Quality measures encoded in the HQMF format are referred to as electronic clinical quality measures, or eCQMs. |
Inferno | Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | Inferno is an open-source tool designed for creating, executing, and sharing automated conformance tests for the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) standard. Hosted on HealthIT.gov, Inferno offers a public service for running select FHIR conformance tests, including those relevant to the ONC Health IT Certification Program. It features the ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit and tests for various FHIR Implementation Guides. Inferno provides flexible tools for testing systems for FHIR conformance, allowing users to run tests locally or integrate them into external tools and continuous integration pipelines. |
ISA | Development, Implementation, Reporting, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) process represents the model by which the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) coordinates interoperability standards and implementation specifications for industry use to fulfill specific clinical health information technology interoperability needs. ASTP updates the ISA throughout the year to include improvements based on recommendations received from public comments and subject matter experts. These updates are published in an annual Reference Edition. To learn more about the ISA, please visit https://www.healthit.gov/isp/isp/about-isa. |
MADiE | Development, Implementation, Testing | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Measure Authoring Development Integrated Environment (MADiE) is a software tool redefining the electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) development and testing process by making it a self-contained process including dynamic authoring and testing within a single application. MADiE allows eCQM developers to author eCQMs using Quality Improvement (QI)-Core, the Quality Data Model (QDM), Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® and to test and verify eCQM behavior. MADiE helps eCQM developers execute eCQM logic against the constructed test cases and evaluates if the eCQM logic aligns with the intent of the eCQM. |
MADiE User Group | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Measure Authoring Development Integrated Environment (MADiE) User Group is an open forum to discuss the status of the tool and gather community and user feedback on planned enhancements and releases. The User Group is scheduled to meet on the third Thursday of every month. Register for the MADiE User Group via the meeting appointment. |
MC Workspace | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development, Implementation, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Measure Collaboration (MC) Workspace is a web-based tool bringing together a set of interconnected resources, tools, and processes to promote transparency and better interaction across interested parties that develop, implement, and report electronic clinical quality measures. |
MMS | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback, Development, Testing | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Measures Management System (MMS) is a standardized system for developing and maintaining the quality measures used in CMS’s various quality initiatives and programs. The primary goal of the MMS is to provide guidance to measure developers to help them produce high-caliber health care quality measures. |
Pioneers in Quality | Implementation | Hospital, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | Pioneers in Quality™ is a collaborative Joint Commission program to improve health care quality and patient safety through education (e.g., webinars for continuing education units), innovation, and recognition of pioneering practices for Joint Commission interested parties. Started in 2016 to assist hospitals on their electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) journey to improve eCQM data use for quality improvement, Joint Commission has expanded the program over time to include additional key components related to eCQM and chart-abstracted data. |
Postman | Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | Postman is a collaboration platform designed for developing and testing application programming interfaces (APIs). It serves as a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) client that allows users to test HTTP requests and receive various types of responses through an intuitive graphical user interface. Postman simplifies interactions with Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) servers, enabling users to post requests and updates efficiently. It is particularly useful for testing FHIR-based electronic clinical quality measures during Health Level Seven International® Connectathons. |
Public Comments | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Academics/Researchers, Consumer, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | Public comments ensure measures are developed and maintained using a transparent process with balanced input from relevant interested parties. Public comment periods provide an opportunity for the widest array of interested parties to provide input on the measures, both under development and in use, and can provide critical suggestions not previously considered by the measure developer or its Technical Expert Panel. Electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) public comments can be made in response to a new eCQM's call for comments, eCQMs in the pre-rulemaking and rulemaking process, eCQMs in testing, eCQMs undergoing updates, and updates to standards and tools used with eCQMs. |
Public Sites for Testing FHIR Servers | Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) provides a list of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® servers publicly available for testing. These are public services provided by volunteers and HL7 makes no representations concerning their safety or reliability. |
QDI User Group | Continuous Evaluation/Feedback | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Consumer, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Quality Data Implementation (QDI) User Group is a group of volunteer members who use the Quality Data Model (QDM) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®)-related standards. The group seeks to understand data capture and use with respect to workflow in health information technology implementations such that measure requests for data are feasible and provide accurate, comprehensive, and reliable data for evaluation. The data model efforts support the electronic clinical quality improvement landscape and the evolving transition from the QDM to the FHIR model (Quality Improvement Core) for authoring electronic clinical quality measures and digital quality measures. The QDI User Group meets at 3:00 p.m. ET on the third Wednesday of every month. |
QDM | Development | Measure Developer/Steward | The Quality Data Model (QDM) is a conceptual information model defining principal concepts (classes) of information, their related attributes, and their relationships. The Model provides a standardized way to express what needs to be retrieved from electronic records to enable quality performance measurement. The QDM is the current structure for electronically representing quality measure concepts for stakeholders involved in electronic quality measure development and reporting. |
QDM Known Issues | Development | Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Quality Data Model (QDM) Known Issues provides identified issues relative to working with the QDM. Many of these issues originated as tickets in the ONC Project Tracking System (Jira) QDM Issue Tracker project and all were discussed by the Quality Data Implementation Group. |
QI-Core | Development, Implementation | CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | Quality Improvement Core (QI-Core) is a Health Level Seven International® (HL7®) implementation guide that defines a set of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR) profiles that support successful creation of interoperable and quality-focused applications including Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) and Clinical Decision Support (CDS) artifacts. |
QPP Developer Tools | Implementation, Reporting | Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor | The Quality Payment Program (QPP) Developer Tools allow industry developers, who build software for participating clinicians, to integrate their software directly with CMS applications and data. Available tools include Submissions Application Programming Interface (API), Submissions Developer Preview environment, Measures, Activities, Benchmarks Repository, and Quality Reporting Document Architecture III Conversion Tool Open Source Package. These include documentation for reporting eCQMs. Additionally, there is information on submitting data through the CMS Web Interface and developer documentation on the Eligibility API. |
QPP Resource Library | Implementation, Reporting | Academics/Researchers, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Quality Payment Program (QPP) Resource Library is the one-stop shop for all QPP resources. It provides educational materials supporting clinicians’ participation in QPP. All QPP webinar resources, including slides, transcripts and recordings from recent presentations, can be found on the QPP Webinar Library. Measure specifications and benchmarks are located within the Full Resource Library section of the QPP Resource Library. |
QRDA | Implementation, Reporting | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | The Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) is a standard document format for the exchange of electronic clinical quality measure data. |
QRDA III Converter | Reporting, Testing | Academics/Researchers, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor | The Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) III Converter tool converts QRDA III files to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) JavaScript Object Notation format for QPP data submission. |
QRDA Known Issues | Implementation | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) Known Issues provide implementation information for QRDA Implementation Guides or supporting documents with known technical issues for which a solution is under development but may not be published. This includes issues such as discrepancies between conformance assertions and message text, non-critical conformance assertion errors, and typographical errors. |
QualityNet | Implementation, Reporting | Hospital, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer | Established by CMS, QualityNet provides health care quality improvement news, resources, data reporting tools, and applications used by measured entities and others. QualityNet, the one-stop shop for CMS quality programs, provides information on quality data reporting programs associated with the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program and other hospital inpatient quality programs, including the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program, Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting Program, Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program, Prospective Payment System-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting Program, End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program, and the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program. CMS encourages interested parties, advocates, and others to register for email notifications to receive information on enhancements and new releases, timelines, process or policy modifications, and alerts about applications and initiatives. The CMS Hospital Quality Reporting program notification and discussion lists are available for signup on QualityNet. |
STAR | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Submission Tool and Repository (STAR) is a measure database of quality performance measures submitted to the CMS consensus-based entity (CBE) for endorsement review. The database includes historical data for measures submitted for endorsement and maintenance to date. The CMS CBE updates the STAR database regularly as the Partnership for Quality Measurement receives submissions for endorsement review for new and maintenance measures. |
Synthea™ | Development, Testing | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | Synthea™ is an open-source, synthetic patient generator that models the medical history of synthetic patients. It provides realistic, but not real, patient data and associated health records covering every aspect of health care. The resulting data is free from cost, privacy, and security restrictions, enabling research with health information technology data that is otherwise legally or practically unavailable. Browse and download pre-generated synthetic records. |
Technical Release Notes (TRNs) | Implementation | Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Technical Release Notes (TRNs) are resource files, which provide an overview of technical changes, e.g., logic and terminology, for each electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) in the most recent eCQM Annual Update for CMS reporting/performance periods. Each grouping, e.g., Eligible Clinician, Hybrid Measures, has their own TRN file. |
Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) is a set of files and software bringing together health and biomedical vocabularies and standards to enable interoperability between computer systems. The UMLS integrates and distributes key terminology, classification and coding standards, and associated resources to promote creation of more effective and interoperable biomedical information systems and services, including electronic health records. Software developers can use UMLS to enhance or develop applications, such as electronic health records, classification tools, dictionaries and language translators. Use of UMLS allows end users to view codes, synonyms, and definitions used terminologies such as Common Procedural Terminology and International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision-Clinical Modification and relationships between concepts. Access requires a free UMLS License. |
Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) | Development, Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) is a value set authoring tool and repository. It is the source of truth for value sets for CMS's electronic clinical quality measures. The National Library of Medicine maintains the VSAC and provides access via web browsers and APIs. The VSAC provides downloadable resources for all measure releases that provide full eCQM value sets, the Binding Parameter Specification, and the complete lists of Direct Reference Codes, retired codes, and utilized code systems. The VSAC provides users with tools to search existing value sets, create new value sets, and maintain value set content consistent with current versions of the terminologies they use. Access requires a free Unified Medical Language System License. |
Visual Studio Code | Development | Academics/Researchers, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | Visual Studio Code is an open-source text editor that can expand its utility by installing appropriate extensions. The ‘cqframework.cql’ extension supports highlighting, syntax checking, ad hoc evaluation, test cases, terminology for Clinical Quality Language (CQL), and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® model validation. This free text editor can be used to facilitate electronic clinical quality measure evaluation and testing using the open source CQL Evaluation Engine. |
VSAC Collaboration Tool | Development | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Measure Developer/Steward | The Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) Collaboration Tool provides a central site where value set authors can post value sets for collaborative discussion. Teams can share threaded discussions about the value sets, view recent value set expansions posted by other value set authors, organize their value sets by usage and by team’s workflow needs, collaborate with other value set authors to harmonize value sets, and receive activity and change notifications from VSAC. Access requires a free Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) license. |
VSAC Support Center | Development, Implementation | CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The VSAC Support Center is the Help section of the Value Set Authority Center website. It provides information on how to use the VSAC, specific information for value set authors and stewards (e.g., how to create value sets), and additional information such as release notes and how to use the VSAC Collaboration Tool, and VSAC Application Programming Interface Resources. |
VSAC SVS API | Implementation | Academics/Researchers, CDS Developer/Steward, Hospital, Eligible Clinician, Health IT Developer/Vendor, Implementer, Measure Developer/Steward | The Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) Sharing Value Set (SVS) Application Programming Interface (API) allows the user to retrieve a single value set's expansion, with or without its metadata and definition version, using RetrieveMultipleValueSets and RetrieveValueSet, respectively. It is based on the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) SVS Technical Framework, section 2.2.21 SVS integration Profile and the IHE SVS XML Schema. Access requires a free Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) license. |
Introduction to eCQMs
- Patient Safety-Related eCQMs Video Short YouTube - March 4, 2024
- eCQM Basics - Updated October 2024
- eCQM Communications Resources - Updated October 2024
- eCQM 101 - Getting Started with Electronic Clinical Quality Measures for Quality Reporting:
- Introduction - Updated March 2025
- Resources - Updated March 2025
- Programs CMS Specifics - Updated March 2025
- eCQM Strategy - eCQI Resource Center - Updated March 2025
- Pioneers in Quality (PIQ) Video Short - What Is A Value Set Webinar and Transcript - January 7, 2021
Developing eCQMs
- Teach Me CQL Video Series (Video shorts can be viewed in any order)
- Day of versus Date From - YouTube Video Short - August 2024
- Fluent Functions - YouTube Video Short - July 2024
- Hospitalization with Observation - YouTube Video Short - July 2024
- AND OR Precedence - YouTube Video Short - July 2023
- Open and Closed Parentheses - YouTube Video Short - July 2023
- Datatype Choice - YouTube Video Short - June 2023
- Birthdaydate Fluent Function - YouTube Video Short - June 2023
- Latest, LatestOf, Earliest, EarliestOf, HasStart, HasEnd - YouTube Video Short - August 2022
- Coalesce - YouTube Video Short - August 2022
- Normalize Interval - YouTube Video Short - July 2022
- Time Zone Considerations - YouTube Video Short - July 2022
- eCQM FHIR Sparks Video Series (best viewed in order presented)
- What is FHIR? (YouTube) - YouTube Video Short - January 2022
- Anatomy of eCQMs in FHIR YouTube Video Short - January 2022
- Writing Measures in QI-Core: A Closer Look YouTube Video Short - February 2022
- Representing Encounters in QI-Core YouTube Video Short - April 2022
- Introducing the Quality Measure Implementation Guide YouTube Video Short - April 2022
Implementing eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
- Highlights for Performance Period 2024 Slides / YouTube - February 8, 2024
- Highlights for Performance Period 2023 Slides / YouTube - February 2, 2023
Implementing eCQMs - Inpatient Hospitals and Outpatient Hospitals
- CY 2025 eCQM Submission Overview
- CY 2025 QRDA I Submission Checklist
- Pioneers in Quality Expert to Expert Webinar Series: 2025 Annual Update: (Free registration required to view webinars)
- ePC-01 Elective Delivery, ePC-05 Exclusive Human Milk Feeding, ePC-06 Unexpected Complications in Term Newborns Webinar/ Slides / Transcript -October 18, 2024
- Pioneers in Quality Expert to Expert Webinar Series: 2024 Annual Update: (Free registration required to view webinars)
- ePC-01 Elective Delivery, ePC-05 Exclusive Human Milk Feeding, ePC-06 Unexpected Complications in Term Newborns Webinar/ Slides / Transcript -August 28, 2023
- ePC-02 Cesarean Birth, ePC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications Webinar / Slides, Transcript, Qs&As - September 26, 2023
- eSTK-2 Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy, eSTK-3 Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter, eSTK-5 Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2 Webinar / Slides, Transcript, and Qs&As - October 31, 2023
- VTE-1 Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis, VTE-2 Intensive Care Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Webinar / Slides, Transcript, and Qs&As - November 7, 2023
- HH-Hyper Severe Hyperglycemia and HH-Hypo Severe Hypoglycemia Webinar / Slides, Transcript, and Qs&As - December 7, 2023
- Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing Webinar / Slides and Transcript / Qs&As - January 11, 2024
- HH-ORAE Opioid-Related Adverse Events Webinar / Slides and Transcript / Qs&As - January 25, 2024
- Global Malnutrition Composite Score Webinar / Slides and Transcript / Qs&As - February 22, 2024
Reporting eCQMs - Inpatient Hospitals and Outpatient Hospitals
- FY 2026 Hybrid Measures Data Webinar / Slides / Transcript - July 2024
- Reporting eCQM and Hybrid Measure Data Using the 2024 CMS QRDA Category I Implementation Guide Webinar / Slides / Transcript - April 2024
- Reviewing CY 2023 eCQM Reporting Resources Webinar / Slides / Transcript - December 2023
- How to Upload an eCQM File YouTube - February 2022
- How to Check eCQM File Outcomes YouTube - February 2022
eCQM Annual Update
- Change Review Process (CRP) User Guide - August 2023
- eCQM Annual Update Implementation User Guide - March 2025
eCQI Resource Center Features
- Measure Compare - Slides - Updated March 2024
- Search Functionality Demo YouTube - October 2023
- eCQM Data Element Repository (DERep) Slides - October 2023
Get Involved
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides several opportunities to provide input on electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) development and updates, public calls for measures, comments on measures under development, and participation on technical expert panels. Visit the Measure Collaboration Workspace, the CMS Measures Management System Get Involved webpage, and the Engage in Electronic Clinical Quality Improvement (eCQI) webpage for a list of current opportunities.
Provide Feedback
CMS, through the ONC Project Tracking System (Jira), allows stakeholders to submit issues with eCQM implementation and development and receive feedback. Submit eCQM technical questions to the eCQM Jira Issue Tracker. For known issues about eCQMs, see the eCQM Known Issues Jira project.
Seek Help
Find information on various helpdesks and tools for eCQM help on the eCQI Resource Center Contact Us webpage.