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Severe Obstetric Complications

Compare Versions of: "Severe Obstetric Complications"

The Compare function compares two years of the measure specifications found in the header of the measure's HTML. It does not include a comparison of any information in the body of the HTML, e.g., population criteria, Clinical Quality Language, or value sets.

Strikethrough text highlighted in red indicates information changed from the previous version. Text highlighted in green indicates information updated in the new eCQM version.

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Table Options
Measure Information 2023 Reporting Period
Title Severe Obstetric Complications
Short Name


CBE ID* Not Applicable
Measure Steward The Joint Commission

Patients with severe obstetric complications which occur during the inpatient delivery hospitalization.

Measure Scoring Proportion measure
Measure Type Outcome
Stratification *See CMS1028v1.html
Risk Adjustment *See CMS1028v1.html
Rationale *See CMS1028v1.html
Clinical Recommendation Statement *See CMS1028v1.html
Improvement Notation

Improvement noted as a decrease in the rate.

Definition *See CMS1028v1.html

In the case of multiple births, map the first delivery date/time (Baby A) as the delivery date/time for the encounter.

This measure allows for 2 approaches to determine estimated gestational age (EGA) in the following order of precedence:

1. The EGA is calculated using the American College...

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Initial Population

Inpatient hospitalizations for patients age >= 8 years and < 65 admitted to the hospital for inpatient acute care who undergo a delivery procedure with a discharge date that ends during the measurement period


Inpatient hospitalizations for patients delivering stillborn or live birth with >= 20 weeks, 0 days gestation completed

Denominator Exclusions

Inpatient hospitalizations for patients with confirmed diagnosis of COVID with COVID-related respiratory condition or patients with confirmed diagnosis of COVID with COVID-related respiratory procedure


Inpatient hospitalizations for patients with severe obstetric complications (not present on admission that occur during the current delivery encounter) including the following:

- Severe maternal morbidity diagnoses (see list below)

- Severe maternal morbidity procedures (see list below)


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Numerator Exclusions

Not applicable

Denominator Exceptions


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Last Updated: Feb 03, 2025