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Measure Collaboration (MC) Workspace

Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Concepts

Do you have an idea for a new eCQM? Would you like to see what new eCQM concepts are being discussed? The Measure Collaboration Workspace Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM) Concepts module gives users the ability to submit ideas for new eCQMs, search for eCQM concepts suggested by others, provide comments, describe the population(s), and assign a care setting. There are hyperlinks to the CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT) and the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) Submission Tool and Repository (STAR) Measure Database to help identify whether similar eCQMs already exist. Feedback provided through the eCQM Concepts Module can help guide an eCQM developer to refine the concept and purpose behind a new eCQM and develop detailed specifications to meet the needs of targeted quality measurement stakeholders.

How to Comment on or Suggest an eCQM Concept

If you have an eCQM concept in mind or want to comment on an eCQM concept someone else has suggested, follow these simple steps to propose your idea:

  1. Search the CMS Measures Inventory Tool and the PQM STAR to see if your suggested eCQM concept is in progress or already exists.
  2. Review the list of suggested eCQMs, click the name of the concept of interest to see if the details of the suggested concept are similar to your idea for an eCQM. If yes, it is similar, offer comments to the submitter in the Add new comment box.
  3. If no, suggest your eCQM concept by clicking Suggest an eCQM Concept and fill out the form.

See the MC Workspace User Guide to learn more about how to use the MC Workspace eCQM Concepts Module.

Suggest an eCQM Concept

Create an eCQI Resource Center account to suggest an eCQM Concept.

Create new account

Suggested eCQM Concepts

sudarshan.krishnan Last Updated: Requested submission to CMS