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Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented

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Table Options
Measure Information 2022 Performance Period 2023 Performance Period 2024 Performance Period 2025 Performance Period
Title Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented
CMS eCQM ID CMS22v10 CMS22v11 CMS22v12 CMS22v13
CBE ID* Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
MIPS Quality ID 317 317 317 317
Measure Steward Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Percentage of patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older seen during the measurement period who were screened for high blood pressure AND a recommended follow-up plan is documented, as indicated, if blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Percentage of patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older seen during the measurement period who were screened for high blood pressure AND a recommended follow-up plan is documented, as indicated, if blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Percentage of patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older seen during the measurement period who were screened for high blood pressure AND a recommended follow-up plan is documented, as indicated, if blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Percentage of patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older seen during the measurement period who were screened for high blood pressure AND a recommended follow-up plan is documented, as indicated, if blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Measure Scoring Proportion measure Proportion measure Proportion measure Proportion measure
Measure Type Process Process Process Process
Stratification *See CMS22v10.html *See CMS22v11.html



Risk Adjustment *See CMS22v10.html *See CMS22v11.html



Rationale *See CMS22v10.html *See CMS22v11.html

Hypertension is a prevalent condition that affects approximately 66.9 million people in the United States. It is estimated that about 20-40% of the adult population has hypertension; the majority of people over age 65 have a hypertension diagnosis (Appleton et al., 2013 and Luehr et al., 2012). Winter (2013) noted that 1 in 3 American adults have hypertension and the lifetime risk of developing hypertension is 90%. The African American population or non-Hispanic Blacks, the elderly, diabetics and those with chronic kidney disease are at increased risk of stroke, myocardial infarction and renal disease. Non-Hispanic Blacks have the highest prevalence at 38.6% (Winter et al., 2013). Hypertension is a major risk factor for ischemic heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, renal failure, stroke and dementia (Luehr et al., 2012). Prevention of hypertension and the treatment of established hypertension are complementary approaches to reducing cardiovascular disease risk in the population, but prevention of hypertension provides the optimal means of reducing risk and avoiding harmful consequences. Periodic blood pressure (BP) screening can identify individuals who develop elevated BP over time. More frequent BP screening may be particularly important for individuals with elevated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk (Whelton et al., 2018).

Hypertension is the most common reason for adult office visits other than pregnancy. Garrison (2013) stated that in 2007, 42 million ambulatory visits were attributed to hypertension (Garrison & Oberhelman, 2013). It also has the highest utilization of prescription drugs. Numerous resources and treatment options are available, yet only about 40-50% of the hypertensive patients have their blood pressure under control (<140/90) (Appleton et al., 2013 and Luehr et al., 2012). In addition to medication non-compliance, poor outcomes are also attributed to poor adherence to lifestyle changes such as a low-sodium diet, weight loss, increased exercise and limiting alcohol intake. Many adults find it difficult to continue medications and lifestyle changes when they are asymptomatic. Symptoms of elevated blood pressure usually do not occur until secondary problems arise such as with vascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure and renal insufficiency) (Luehr et al., 2012).

Appropriate follow-up after blood pressure measurement is a pivotal component in preventing the progression of hypertension and the development of heart disease. Detection of marginally or fully elevated blood pressure by a specialty clinician warrants referral to a provider familiar with the management of hypertension and prehypertension.

The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) 2017 Guidelines provide updated recommendations for ASCVD risk. For additional information please refer to the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines:

Lifestyle modifications have demonstrated effectiveness in lowering blood pressure (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003). The synergistic effect of several lifestyle modifications results in greater benefits than a single modification alone. Baseline diagnostic/laboratory testing establishes if a co-existing underlying condition is the etiology of hypertension and evaluates if end organ damage from hypertension has already occurred. Landmark trials such as the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT) have repeatedly proven the efficacy of pharmacologic therapy to control blood pressure and reduce the complications of hypertension. A review of 35 studies found that the pharmacist-led interventions involved medication counseling and patient education. Twenty-nine of the 35 studies showed statistically significant improvement in BP levels of the intervention groups at follow-up (Reeves et al., 2020). Follow-up intervals based on blood pressure control have been established by the 2017 ACC/AHA guideline and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (Whelton et al., 2018; USPSTF, 2021).

Hypertension is a prevalent condition that affects approximately 66.9 million people in the United States. It is estimated that about 20-40 percent of the adult population has hypertension; the majority of people over age 65 have a hypertension diagnosis (Appleton et al., 2013 and Luehr et al., 2012). Winter (2013) noted that 1 in 3 American adults have hypertension and the lifetime risk of developing hypertension is 90 percent. The African American population or non-Hispanic Blacks, the elderly, diabetics and those with chronic kidney disease are at increased risk of stroke, myocardial infarction and renal disease. Non-Hispanic Blacks have the highest prevalence at 38.6 percent (Winter et al., 2013). Hypertension is a major risk factor for ischemic heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, renal failure, stroke and dementia (Luehr et al., 2012). Prevention of hypertension and the treatment of established hypertension are complementary approaches to reducing cardiovascular disease risk in the population, but prevention of hypertension provides the optimal means of reducing risk and avoiding harmful consequences. Periodic blood pressure (BP) screening can identify individuals who develop elevated BP over time. More frequent BP screening may be particularly important for individuals with elevated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk (Whelton et al., 2018).

Hypertension is the most common reason for adult office visits other than pregnancy. Garrison (2013) stated that in 2007, 42 million ambulatory visits were attributed to hypertension (Garrison & Oberhelman, 2013). It also has the highest utilization of prescription drugs. Numerous resources and treatment options are available, yet only about 40-50 percent of the hypertensive patients have their blood pressure under control (<140/90) (Appleton et al., 2013 and Luehr et al., 2012). In addition to medication non-compliance, poor outcomes are also attributed to poor adherence to lifestyle changes such as a low-sodium diet, weight loss, increased exercise and limiting alcohol intake. Many adults find it difficult to continue medications and lifestyle changes when they are asymptomatic. Symptoms of elevated blood pressure usually do not occur until secondary problems arise such as with vascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure and renal insufficiency) (Luehr et al., 2012).

Appropriate follow-up after blood pressure measurement is a pivotal component in preventing the progression of hypertension and the development of heart disease. Detection of marginally or fully elevated blood pressure by a specialty clinician warrants referral to a provider familiar with the management of hypertension and prehypertension.

The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) 2017 Guidelines provide updated recommendations for ASCVD risk. For additional information please refer to the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines:

Lifestyle modifications have demonstrated effectiveness in lowering blood pressure (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003). The synergistic effect of several lifestyle modifications results in greater benefits than a single modification alone. Baseline diagnostic/laboratory testing establishes if a co-existing underlying condition is the etiology of hypertension and evaluates if end organ damage from hypertension has already occurred. Landmark trials such as the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT) have repeatedly proven the efficacy of pharmacologic therapy to control blood pressure and reduce the complications of hypertension. A review of 35 studies found that the pharmacist-led interventions involved medication counseling and patient education. Twenty-nine of the 35 studies showed statistically significant improvement in BP levels of the intervention groups at follow-up (Reeves et al., 2020). Follow-up intervals based on blood pressure control have been established by the 2017 ACC/AHA guideline and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (Whelton et al., 2018; USPSTF, 2021).

Clinical Recommendation Statement *See CMS22v10.html *See CMS22v11.html

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF, 2021) recommends screening for high blood pressure in adults aged 18 years and older. This is a grade A recommendation.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF, 2021) recommends screening for high blood pressure in adults aged 18 years and older. This is a grade A recommendation.

Improvement Notation

Higher score indicates better quality

Higher score indicates better quality

Higher score indicates better quality

Higher score indicates better quality

Definition *See CMS22v10.html *See CMS22v11.html

Blood Pressure (BP) Classification:

BP is defined by four (4) BP reading classifications: Normal, Elevated, First Hypertensive, and Second Hypertensive Readings

-Normal BP: Systolic BP (SBP) < 120 mmHg AND Diastolic BP (DBP) < 80 mmHg

-Elevated BP: SBP of 120-129 mmHg AND DBP < 80 mmHg

-First Hypertensive Reading: SBP of >= 130 mmHg OR DBP of >= 80 mmHg without a previous SBP of >= 130 mmHg OR DBP of >= 80 mmHg during the 12 months prior to the encounter

-Second Hypertensive Reading: Requires a SBP >= 130 mmHg OR DBP >= 80 mmHg during the current encounter AND a most recent BP reading within the last 12 months SBP >= 130 mmHg OR DBP >= 80 mmHg

Recommended BP Follow-Up:

The 2017 Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association recommends BP screening thresholds as defined under Blood Pressure Classifications and recommends interventions based on the current BP reading as listed in the "Recommended Blood Pressure Follow-Up Interventions" below (Whelton et al., 2018).

The types of Recommended Nonpharmacologic Interventions, such as lifestyle modifications, are listed following the section on Recommended Follow-Up Interventions based on BP Classification.

Recommended Blood Pressure Follow-Up Interventions:

-Normal BP: No follow-up required for SBP < 120 mmHg AND DBP < 80 mmHg

-Elevated BP: Patients with SBP of 120-129 mmHg AND DBP < 80 mmHg:

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Health Care Professional


-Follow-up with rescreen in 2 to 6 months AND recommend nonpharmacologic interventions

-First Hypertensive BP Reading: Patients with one elevated reading of SBP >= 130 mmHg

OR DBP >= 80 mmHg:

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Health Care Professional


-Follow-up with rescreen > 1 day and < 4 weeks AND recommend nonpharmacologic interventions

-Second Hypertensive BP Reading:

-Second Hypertensive BP Reading: Patients with second elevated reading of

SBP of 130-139 mmHg OR DBP of 80-89 mmHg (and not SBP >=140 OR DBP >=90):

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Healthcare Professional


-Nonpharmacologic intervention AND reassessment in 2-6 months

AND an order for a laboratory test or ECG for hypertension

-Second Hypertensive BP Reading: SBP>=140 or DBP>=90:

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Healthcare Professional


-Nonpharmacologic intervention AND BP-lowering medication

AND reassessment within 4 weeks AND an order for a laboratory test or ECG for hypertension

The 2017 Guideline outlines nonpharmacologic interventions (lifestyle modifications) which must include one or more of the following as indicated:

-Weight Reduction

-Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan

-Dietary Sodium Restriction

-Increased Physical Activity

-Moderation in alcohol (ethanol alcohol (ETOH))

Blood Pressure (BP) Classification:

BP is defined by four (4) BP reading classifications: Normal, Elevated, First Hypertensive, and Second Hypertensive Readings

-Normal BP: Systolic BP (SBP) < 120 mmHg AND Diastolic BP (DBP) < 80 mmHg

-Elevated BP: SBP of 120-129 mmHg AND DBP < 80 mmHg

-First Hypertensive Reading: SBP of >= 130 mmHg OR DBP of >= 80 mmHg without a previous SBP of >= 130 mmHg OR DBP of >= 80 mmHg during the 12 months prior to the encounter

-Second Hypertensive Reading: Requires a SBP >= 130 mmHg OR DBP >= 80 mmHg during the current encounter AND a most recent BP reading within the last 12 months SBP >= 130 mmHg OR DBP >= 80 mmHg

Recommended BP Follow-Up:

The 2017 Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association recommends BP screening thresholds as defined under Blood Pressure Classifications and recommends interventions based on the current BP reading as listed in the "Recommended Blood Pressure Follow-Up Interventions" below (Whelton et al., 2018).

The time periods for follow-up actions specified for the elevated and the second hypertensive (130-139 DBP OR 80-89 SBP) BP classifications slightly differ from time periods given in the 2017 Guideline. This allows for clinician discretion due to patient condition and stability of the measure specification over time.

The types of Recommended Nonpharmacologic Interventions, such as lifestyle modifications, are listed following the section on Recommended Follow-Up Interventions based on BP Classification.

Recommended Blood Pressure Follow-Up Interventions:

-Normal BP: No follow-up required for SBP < 120 mmHg AND DBP < 80 mmHg

-Elevated BP: Patients with SBP of 120-129 mmHg AND DBP < 80 mmHg:

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Health Care Professional


-Follow-up with rescreen within 6 months AND recommend nonpharmacologic interventions

-First Hypertensive BP Reading: Patients with one elevated reading of SBP >= 130 mmHg

OR DBP >= 80 mmHg:

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Health Care Professional


-Follow-up with rescreen within 4 weeks AND recommend nonpharmacologic interventions

-Second Hypertensive BP Reading:

-Second Hypertensive BP Reading: Patients with second elevated reading of

SBP of 130-139 mmHg OR DBP of 80-89 mmHg (and not SBP >=140 OR DBP >=90):

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Healthcare Professional


-Nonpharmacologic intervention AND reassessment within 6 months

AND an order for a laboratory test or ECG for hypertension

-Second Hypertensive BP Reading: SBP>=140 or DBP>=90:

-Referral to Alternate/Primary Care Healthcare Professional


-Nonpharmacologic intervention AND BP-lowering medication

AND reassessment within 4 weeks AND an order for a laboratory test or ECG for hypertension

The 2017 Guideline outlines nonpharmacologic interventions (lifestyle modifications) which must include one or more of the following as indicated:

-Weight Reduction

-A “heart-healthy diet,” such as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan

-Dietary Sodium Restriction

-Increased Physical Activity

-Moderation in alcohol consumption


This eCQM is an episode-based measure. An episode is defined as each eligible encounter for patients aged 18 years and older during the measurement period. This measure should be reported for every visit. The measure requires that blood pressure measurements (i.e., diastolic and systolic) be obtained during each visit in order to determine the blood pressure reading used to evaluate if an intervention is needed.

Both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements are required for inclusion. If there are multiple blood pressures obtained during a patient visit, only the last, or most recent, pressure measurement will be used to evaluate the measure requirements.

The intent of this measure is to screen patients for high blood pressure and provide recommended follow-up as indicated. The documented follow-up plan must be related to the current blood pressure reading as indicated, example: "Patient referred to primary care provider for BP management."

Telehealth encounters are not eligible for this measure because the measure requires a clinical action that cannot be conducted via telehealth.

This version of the eCQM uses QDM version 5.5. Please refer to the eCQI resource center for more information on the QDM.

This eCQM is an episode-based measure. An episode is defined as each eligible encounter for patients aged 18 years and older during the measurement period. This measure should be reported for every visit. The measure requires that blood pressure measurements (i.e., diastolic and systolic) be obtained during each visit in order to determine the blood pressure reading used to evaluate if an intervention is needed.

Both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements are required for inclusion. If there are multiple blood pressures obtained during a patient visit, only the last, or most recent, pressure measurement will be used to evaluate the measure requirements.

The intent of this measure is to screen patients for high blood pressure and provide recommended follow-up as indicated. The documented follow-up plan must be related to the current blood pressure reading as indicated, example: "Patient referred to primary care provider for BP management."

Telehealth encounters are not eligible for this measure because the measure requires a clinical action that cannot be conducted via telehealth.

This version of the eCQM uses QDM version 5.6. Please refer to the QDM page for more information on the QDM.

This eCQM is an episode-based measure. An episode is defined as each eligible encounter for patients aged 18 years and older during the measurement period. This measure should be reported for every visit. The measure requires that blood pressure measurements (i.e., diastolic and systolic) be obtained during each visit in order to determine the blood pressure reading used to evaluate if an intervention is needed.

Both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements are required for inclusion. If there are multiple blood pressures obtained during a patient visit, only the last, or most recent, pressure measurement will be used to evaluate the measure requirements.

The intent of this measure is to screen patients for high blood pressure and provide recommended follow-up as indicated. The documented follow-up plan must be related to the current blood pressure reading as indicated, example: "Patient referred to primary care provider for BP management."

Telehealth encounters are not eligible for this measure because the measure requires a clinical action that cannot be conducted via telehealth.

This version of the eCQM uses QDM version 5.6. Please refer to the QDM page for more information on the QDM.

This eCQM is an episode-based measure. An episode is defined as each eligible encounter for patients aged 18 years and older during the measurement period. This measure should be reported for every visit. The measure requires that blood pressure measurements (i.e., diastolic and systolic) be obtained during each visit in order to determine the blood pressure reading used to evaluate if an intervention is needed.

Both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements are required for inclusion. If there are multiple blood pressures obtained during a patient visit, only the last, or most recent, pressure measurement will be used to evaluate the measure requirements.

The intent of this measure is to screen patients for high blood pressure and provide recommended follow-up as indicated. The documented follow-up plan must be related to the current blood pressure reading as indicated, example: "Patient referred to primary care provider for BP management."

Telehealth encounters are not eligible for this measure because the measure requires a clinical action that cannot be conducted via telehealth.

This version of the eCQM uses QDM version 5.6. Please refer to the QDM page for more information on the QDM.

Initial Population

All patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older at the beginning of the measurement period

All patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older at the beginning of the measurement period

All patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older at the beginning of the measurement period

All patient visits for patients aged 18 years and older at the beginning of the measurement period


Equals Initial Population

Equals Initial Population

Equals Initial Population

Equals Initial Population

Denominator Exclusions

Patient has an active diagnosis of hypertension

Patient has an active diagnosis of hypertension

Patient has an active diagnosis of hypertension

Patient has an active diagnosis of hypertension


Patient visits where patients were screened for high blood pressure AND have a recommended follow-up plan documented, as indicated, if the blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Patient visits where patients were screened for high blood pressure AND have a recommended follow-up plan documented, as indicated, if the blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Patient visits where patients were screened for high blood pressure AND have a recommended follow-up plan documented, as indicated, if the blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Patient visits where patients were screened for high blood pressure AND have a recommended follow-up plan documented, as indicated, if the blood pressure is elevated or hypertensive

Numerator Exclusions

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Denominator Exceptions

Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for high blood pressure (e.g., patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status).

Documentation of patient reason(s) for not screening for blood pressure measurements or for not ordering an appropriate follow-up intervention if patient BP is elevated or hypertensive (e.g., patient refuses).

Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for high blood pressure (e.g., patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status).

Documentation of patient reason(s) for not screening for blood pressure measurements or for not ordering an appropriate follow-up intervention if patient BP is elevated or hypertensive (e.g., patient refuses).

Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for high blood pressure (e.g., patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status).

Documentation of patient reason(s) for not screening for blood pressure measurements or for not ordering an appropriate follow-up intervention if patient BP is elevated or hypertensive (e.g., patient refuses).

Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for high blood pressure (e.g., patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status).

Documentation of patient reason(s) for not screening for blood pressure measurements or for not ordering an appropriate follow-up intervention if patient BP is elevated or hypertensive (e.g., patient refuses).

Telehealth Eligible No No No No
Next Version No Version Available
Previous Version No Version Available


  • Updated the eCQM version number.

    Measure Section: eCQM Version Number

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated Measure Developer.

    Measure Section: Measure Developer

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Replaced 'pre-hypertensive' with 'elevated' to reflect updated blood pressure classifications in the most recent American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines.

    Measure Section: Description

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated copyright.

    Measure Section: Copyright

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated the Rationale section to incorporate language reflecting ACC/AHA guidelines stressing the importance of periodic blood pressure screening to preventing cardiovascular disease risk, and evidence from the peer-reviewed literature indicating potential for improved blood pressure levels following pharmacist-led interventions involving medication counseling and patient education.

    Measure Section: Rationale

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated references.

    Measure Section: Reference

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated blood pressure readings indicating elevated and hypertensive thresholds and recommended follow-up interventions per the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines.

    Measure Section: Definition

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Added clarifying language to guidance section indicating that the measure is not eligible for telehealth visits.

    Measure Section: Guidance

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Added clarifying language to guidance section of episode-based measures to define the episode.

    Measure Section: Guidance

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Replaced 'pre-hypertensive' with 'elevated' to reflect updated blood pressure classifications per the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines.

    Measure Section: Multiple Sections

    Source of Change: Measure Lead


  • Updated systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) values for Encounters with Normal (SBP less than 120 mmHg and DBP less than 80 mmHg) and Elevated (SBP 120 to 129 mmHg and DBP less than 80 mmHg), First (SBP greater than or equal to 130 mmHg or DBP greater than or equal to 80 mmHg), and Second (SBP 130 to 139 mmHg or DBP 80 to 89 mmHg or SBP greater than or equal to 140 mmHg or DBP greater than or equal to 90 mmHG) Hypertensive Readings per the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines.

    Measure Section: Numerator

    Source of Change: Expert Work Group Review

  • Linked denominator exception 'patient reason' to appropriate blood pressure classifications and recommended follow up plans defined in the numerator. Clinicians will only meet the exception criteria if the documentation reflects that the patient declined one of the follow up interventions that is appropriate based on the patient's BP at that encounter.

    Measure Section: Denominator Exceptions

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Added denominator exceptions for patients declining interventions for encounters with elevated or first or second hypertensive readings.

    Measure Section: Definitions

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Updated the names of Clinical Quality Language (CQL) definitions, functions, and/or aliases for clarification and to align with the CQL Style Guide.

    Measure Section: Multiple Sections

    Source of Change: Standards Update

  • Updated blood pressure values for Encounters with Elevated, First, and Second Hypertensive readings and recommended follow-up interventions associated with each threshold to align with the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines. There are two sets of follow-up interventions for the SBP and DBP thresholds given for Encounters with Second Hypertensive Readings.

    Measure Section: Multiple Sections

    Source of Change: Expert Work Group Review

  • Updated the version number of the Measure Authoring Tool (MAT) Global Common Functions Library (MATGlobalCommonFunctions-6.2.000). Updated the 'Inpatient Encounter' definition to include a 'day of' timing clarification. Added the following timing functions: Normalize Interval, Has Start, Has End, Latest, Latest Of, Earliest, and Earliest Of. Please see individual measure details for application of specific timing functions.

    Measure Section: Multiple Sections

    Source of Change: Standards Update

  • Added new NormalizeInterval function to timing attributes to decrease implementation burden due to variable use of timing attributes for select QDM data types. The NormalizeInterval function was applied, where applicable, for the following data elements: Assessment, Performed; Device, Applied; Diagnostic Study, Performed; Intervention, Performed; Laboratory Test, Performed; Medication, Administered; Medication, Dispensed; Physical Exam, Performed; Procedure, Performed; Substance, Administered.

    Measure Section: Multiple Sections

    Source of Change: Standards Update

Value Set

The VSAC is the source of truth for the value set content, please visit the VSAC for downloads of current value sets.

  • Value set Weight Reduction Recommended (2.16.840.1.113883.3.600.1510): Added 6 SNOMED CT codes (1181000175107, 284352003, 388975008, 398752005, 410201001, 445033007) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Dietary Recommendations (2.16.840.1.113883.3.600.1515): Added 6 SNOMED CT codes (1151000175103, 285383009, 435771000124106, 699849008, 715282001, 770749002) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback. Deleted 4 SNOMED CT codes (289177005, 437211000124103, 437391000124102, 438961000124108) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Encounter to Screen for Blood Pressure (2.16.840.1.113883.3.600.1920): Deleted 1 CPT code (99201) based on terminology update.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Value set Diagnosis of Hypertension (2.16.840.1.113883.3.600.263): Deleted 1 ICD-10-CM code (I67.4) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Pharmacologic Therapy for Hypertension (2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.1577): Deleted 33 RxNorm codes based on terminology update.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Value set Referral to Primary Care or Alternate Provider (2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1580): Added 2 SNOMED CT codes (306362008, 453641000124107) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Removed value set Follow Up Within One Year (2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1579) based on change in measure requirements/measure specification.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Added direct reference codes SNOMED CT codes (183624006, 183625007) based on change in measure requirements/measure specification.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

Last Updated: Jun 03, 2024