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Where can you get information on QDM-related formatting conventions for developing CQL logic?

There are no formatting conventions specific to the QDM, eCQM developers should review the QDM for specific guidance on using the datatypes and attributes in the conceptual model. However, there is information on conventions for formatting statements and expressions in CQL, which encourage consistency, readability, maintainability, and reusability of the resulting CQL. Find these conventions on the CQL Formatting and Usage Wiki. Additionally, CMS annually publishes a CQL Style Guide, based on the Formatting and Usage Wiki contents. The CQL Style Guide focuses on a set of common best practices implemented across CQL-based eCQMs in the CMS reporting programs and also promotes the use of consistent language within the framework of CQL, including libraries, aliases, definitions, functions, and conventions. eCQM stewards or eCQM developers who are developing or specifying eCQMs for future inclusion in CMS programs should align with these best practices.

Last Updated: Sep 13, 2023