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What is a CQL library?

CQL library is a text document (.cql, .xml, and .json) containing CQL expressions, definitions, functions, and other declarations that can be used across eCQMs. Each eCQM contains a primary library defining the criteria used by the populations of the eCQM. The Health Quality Measure Format document references this library and defines the populations by identifying which expressions in the CQL library  define each population (e.g., Inpatient Encounter, terminologies). eCQMs may include references to a shared library, which can be either referenced throughout a single eCQM or across different eCQMs (and even Clinical Decision Support rules) to share definitions and functions like "Hospitalization." Library sharing minimizes efforts with eCQM development and implementation.

For more information on libraries, refer to the Libraries section of the CQL Developer's Guide.

Last Updated: Jan 03, 2024