["Negation Rationale": "Medical Reason"] (2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1007)
Data Element Scope: This value set may use the Quality Data Model (QDM) attribute related to Negation Rationale.
Inclusion Criteria: Includes only relevant concepts associated with medically relevant reasons for not receiving a therapy or service.
Exclusion Criteria: No exclusions.
Constrained to codes in the Negation Rationale: Medical Reason 1 value set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1007)
Indicates the reason that an action was not performed. Only QDM datatypes that represent actions (e.g., performed, recommended, communication, order, dispensed) allow the negation rationale attribute. The intent is to indicate a justification that such action did not happen as expected. This attribute specifically does not address the presence or absence of information in a clinical record (e.g., documented absence of allergies versus lack of documentation about allergies). QDM assumes a world view that absence of evidence indicates information does not exist or an action did not happen. To express such lack of evidence, an eCQM author should use the CQL expression not exists with reference to the data element rather than the QDM data model. negation rationale in QDM signifies only a reason for such absence, i.e., the reason must be present to qualify for negation rationale. The syntax in the human readable HQMF is addressed in CQL examples and in the MAT User Guide. Prior versions of QDM used the syntax, "Procedure, Performed not done." QDM versions starting with 5.3 use the syntax, "Procedure, not Performed." Section A-5 provides examples for expressing negation rationale in CQL.
A QDM Known Issue has been identified related to this attribute. To see this QDM known Issue, please click here.
Note: negation rationale indicates a one-time documentation of a reason an activity is not performed. Negation of QDM datatype-related actions for a reason always use the author dateTime attribute to reference timing and must not use relevantPeriod.