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Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record

Compare Versions of: "Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record"

The Compare function compares two years of the measure specifications found in the header of the measure's HTML. It does not include a comparison of any information in the body of the HTML, e.g., population criteria, Clinical Quality Language, or value sets.

Strikethrough text highlighted in red indicates information changed from the previous version. Text highlighted in green indicates information updated in the new eCQM version.

Compare 2024 version to

Table Options
Measure Information 2024 Performance Period
Title Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
CBE ID* Not Applicable
MIPS Quality ID 130
Measure Steward Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Percentage of visits for patients aged 18 years and older for which the eligible clinician attests to documenting a list of current medications using all immediate resources available on the date of the encounter

Measure Scoring Proportion measure
Measure Type Process


Risk Adjustment



According to the National Center for Health Statistics, during the years of 2013-2016, 48.4% of patients (both male and female) were prescribed at least one prescription medication with 12.6% taking 5 or more medications. Additionally, 89.8% of patients (both male and female) aged 65...

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Clinical Recommendation Statement

The Joint Commission's 2020 Ambulatory Health Care National Patient Safety Goals guide providers to maintain and communicate accurate patient medication information. Specifically, the section "Use Medicines Safely NPSG.03.06.01" states the following: “Record and pass along correct...

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Improvement Notation

Higher score indicates better quality


Current Medications:

Medications the patient is presently taking including all prescriptions, over-the-counter products, herbals, vitamins, minerals, dietary (nutritional) supplements, and cannabis/cannabidiol products with each medication's name, dosage, frequency and administered route.


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This eCQM is an episode-based measure. An episode is defined as each eligible encounter during the measurement period. This measure is to be reported for every encounter during the measurement period.

Eligible clinicians reporting this measure may document medication information received...

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Initial Population

All visits occurring during the 12-month measurement period for patients aged 18 years and older


Equals Initial Population

Denominator Exclusions



Eligible clinician attests to documenting, updating, or reviewing the patient's current medications using all immediate resources available on the date of the encounter

Numerator Exclusions

Not Applicable

Denominator Exceptions

Documentation of a medical reason(s) for not documenting, updating, or reviewing the patient’s current medications list (e.g., patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status)

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Telehealth Eligible Yes
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  • Updated copyright.

    Measure Section: Copyright

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated disclaimer.

    Measure Section: Disclaimer

    Source of Change: Annual Update

  • Updated references.

    Measure Section: Reference

    Source of Change: Measure Lead


  • Updated the names of CQL definitions, functions, and/or aliases for clarification and to align with the CQL Style Guide.

    Measure Section: Definitions

    Source of Change: Standards/Technical Update

  • Updated the timing precision in definitions by adding 'day of' to align with the measure intent.

    Measure Section: Definitions

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

Value Set

The VSAC is the source of truth for the value set content, please visit the VSAC for downloads of current value sets.

  • Value set Encounter to Document Medications (2.16.840.1.113883.3.600.1.1834): Added 2 CPT codes (99424, 99491) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback. Deleted 13 CPT codes based on terminology update.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

  • Value set Payer (2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.3591): Added 5 SOP codes (1111, 1112, 142, 344, 141) based on review by technical experts, SMEs, and/or public feedback.

    Measure Section: Terminology

    Source of Change: Measure Lead

Last Updated: Jun 03, 2024