Call for TEP nominations
Mathematica, under contract with CMS, is seeking nominations for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) members to provide input on new and existing measures for CMS quality reporting and payment programs.
This work falls under Mathematica’s Behavioral Health Measures Development and Inpatient and Outpatient Measure Maintenance (BHIOMM) project. A well-balanced representation of interested parties on the TEP contributes diverse perspectives to consider during measure selection, development, and maintenance. The objective of the BHIOMM TEP is to provide feedback and offer opinions on the identification, development, specification, testing, maintenance, re-evaluation, and implementation of health-related quality measures used in CMS’s quality programs.
Additional information about this TEP opportunity can be found at
This Call for TEP Nomination closes on January 15, 2025. If you have questions about the TEP or the TEP nomination process, please contact