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What is the MC Workspace?

The MC Workspace is a collaborative portal supporting quality and information technology staff at measured entity organizations to help implement and use electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). The MC Workspace brings together a set of interconnected resources, tools, and processes to promote transparency and better interaction across interested party communities that develop, implement, and report eCQMs. The MC Workspace has three modules to support eCQM collaboration:

  • eCQM Concepts module allows users to search for eCQM concepts suggested by others, comment on those suggested eCQM concepts, and suggest new eCQM concepts.
  • eCQM Testing Opportunities module allows eCQM developers to announce eCQM testing opportunities and provides stakeholders with available opportunities to participate in eCQM testing.
  • eCQM Data Element Repository (DERep) provides data definitions to aid in eCQM implementation and data mapping.
Last Updated: Jan 02, 2024