- Search Instructions
To search, enter one or more keywords. Use the filters at the left to narrow your results. The numbers after each filter value indicate the number of applicable results.
For phrase searching, surround the keywords in double quotes. This searches for the quoted phrase, matching results with those words in the same order.
Example Results aspirin discharge All pages and documents that contain either the word aspirin or discharge. Words that contain both terms will be ranked higher. "user guide" All pages and documents containing the phrase "user guide". "logic implementation guidance" All pages and documents containing the phrase "logic implementation" AND the phrase "implementation guidance". Phrase searching is bigram-based which only considers whether each pair of quoted words is consecutive, not whether an entire 3+ word phrase is consecutive. *Note stemming is enabled, which allows for similar results. For example, phrases containing the word "guide" will also return items containing the word "guideline".
For more, see our Search Functionality Demo on YouTube