eMeasure Title

Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention

eMeasure Identifier (Measure Authoring Tool) 138 eMeasure Version number 6.1.000
NQF Number 0028 GUID e35791df-5b25-41bb-b260-673337bc44a8
Measurement Period January 1, 20XX through December 31, 20XX
Measure Steward PCPI(R) Foundation (PCPI[R])
Measure Developer American Medical Association (AMA)
Measure Developer PCPI(R) Foundation (PCPI[R])
Endorsed By National Quality Forum
Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older who were screened for tobacco use one or more times within 24 months AND who received tobacco cessation intervention if identified as a tobacco user

Three rates are reported: 
a. Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older who were screened for tobacco use one or more times within 24 months 
b. Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older who were screened for tobacco use and identified as a tobacco user who received tobacco cessation intervention 
c. Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older who were screened for tobacco use one or more times within 24 months AND who received tobacco cessation intervention if identified as a tobacco user
Copyright 2017 PCPI(R) Foundation and American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.
The Measures are not clinical guidelines, do not establish a standard of medical care, and have not been tested for all potential applications. 

The Measures, while copyrighted, can be reproduced and distributed, without modification, for noncommercial purposes, eg, use by health care providers in connection with their practices. Commercial use is defined as the sale, license, or distribution of the Measures for commercial gain, or incorporation of the Measures into a product or service that is sold, licensed or distributed for commercial gain.

Commercial uses of the Measures require a license agreement between the user and the PCPI(R) Foundation (PCPI[R]) or the American Medical Association (AMA). Neither the American Medical Association (AMA), nor the AMA-convened Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement(R) (AMA-PCPI), nor PCPI, nor their members shall be responsible for any use of the Measures. 

AMA and PCPI encourage use of the Measures by other health care professionals, where appropriate.


Limited proprietary coding is contained in the Measure specifications for convenience. Users of the proprietary code sets should obtain all necessary licenses from the owners of these code sets. The AMA, the PCPI and its members and former members of the AMA-PCPI disclaim all liability for use or accuracy of any Current Procedural Terminology (CPT[R]) or other coding contained in the specifications. 

CPT(R) contained in the Measure specifications is copyright 2004-2016 American Medical Association. LOINC(R) is copyright 2004-2016 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This material contains SNOMED CLINICAL TERMS (SNOMED CT[R]) copyright 2004-2016 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). ICD-10 is copyright 2016 World Health Organization. All Rights Reserved.

Due to technical limitations, registered trademarks are indicated by (R) or [R].
Measure Scoring Proportion
Measure Type Process
Risk Adjustment
Rate Aggregation
This measure is intended to promote adult tobacco screening and tobacco cessation interventions for those who use tobacco products. There is good evidence that tobacco screening and brief cessation intervention (including counseling and/or pharmacotherapy) is successful in helping tobacco users quit. Tobacco users who are able to stop using tobacco lower their risk for heart disease, lung disease, and stroke.
Clinical Recommendation Statement
The USPSTF recommends that clinicians ask all adults about tobacco use, advise them to stop using tobacco, and provide behavioral interventions and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved pharmacotherapy for cessation to adults who use tobacco. (Grade A Recommendation) (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2015)

The USPSTF recommends that clinicians ask all pregnant women about tobacco use, advise them to stop using tobacco, and provide behavioral interventions for cessation to pregnant women who use tobacco. (Grade A Recommendation) (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2015)

The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to recommend electronic nicotine delivery systems for tobacco cessation in adults, including pregnant women. The USPSTF recommends that clinicians direct patients who smoke tobacco to other cessation interventions with established effectiveness and safety (previously stated). (Grade I Statement) (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2015)
Improvement Notation
Higher score indicates better quality
Siu AL; U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Behavioral and Pharmacotherapy Interventions for Tobacco Smoking Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Women: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement.  Ann Intern Med. 2015 Oct 20;163(8):622-34.
Tobacco Use - Includes any type of tobacco
Tobacco Cessation Intervention - Includes brief counseling (3 minutes or less), and/or pharmacotherapy -- Note:  Concepts aligned with brief counseling (eg, minimal and intensive advice/counseling interventions conducted both in person and over the phone) are included in the value set for the numerator.  Other concepts such as written self-help materials (eg, brochures, pamphlets) and complementary/alternative therapies are not included in the value set and do not qualify for the numerator.
If a patient uses any type of tobacco (ie, smokes or uses smokeless tobacco), the expectation is that they should receive tobacco cessation intervention: either counseling and/or pharmacotherapy.

If a patient has multiple tobacco use screenings during the 24 month period, only the most recent screening, which has a documented status of tobacco user or tobacco non-user, will be used to satisfy the measure requirements.

If tobacco use status of a patient is unknown, the patient does not meet the screening component required to be counted in the numerator and should be considered a measure failure.  Instances where tobacco use status of "unknown" is recorded include: 1) the patient was not screened; or 2) the patient was screened and the patient (or caregiver) was unable to provide a definitive answer.  If the patient does not meet the screening component of the numerator but has an allowable medical exception, then the patient should be removed from the denominator of the measure and reported as a valid exception.

The medical reason exception may be applied to either the screening data element OR to any of the applicable tobacco cessation intervention data elements (counseling and/or pharmacotherapy) included in the measure. 

If a patient has a diagnosis of limited life expectancy, that patient has a valid denominator exception for not being screened for tobacco use or for not receiving tobacco use cessation intervention (counseling and/or pharmacotherapy) if identified as a tobacco user.

As noted above in a recommendation statement from the USPSTF, the current evidence is insufficient to recommend electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) including electronic cigarettes for tobacco cessation.  Additionally, ENDS are not currently classified as tobacco in the recent evidence review to support the update of the USPSTF recommendation given that the devices do not burn or use tobacco leaves.  In light of the current lack of evidence, the measure does not currently capture e-cigarette usage as either tobacco use or a cessation aid.

The requirement of "Count >=2 Encounter, Performed" is to establish that the eligible professional or eligible clinician has an existing relationship with the patient for certain types of encounters. 

This measure contains three reporting rates which aim to identify patients who were screened for tobacco use (rate/population 1), patients who were identified as tobacco users and who received tobacco cessation intervention (rate/population 2), and a comprehensive look at the overall performance on tobacco screening and cessation intervention (rate/population 3). By separating this measure into various reporting rates, the eligible professional or eligible clinician will be able to better ascertain where gaps in performance exist, and identify opportunities for improvement. The overall rate (rate/population 3) can be utilized to compare performance to prior published versions of this measure.
Transmission Format
Initial Population
All patients aged 18 years and older seen for at least two visits or at least one preventive visit during the measurement period
Population 1:
Equals Initial Population

Population 2: 
Equals Initial Population who were screened for tobacco use and identified as a tobacco user

Population 3: 
Equals Initial Population
Denominator Exclusions
Population 1: 
Patients who were screened for tobacco use at least once within 24 months 
Population 2: 
Patients who received tobacco cessation intervention

Population 3:
Patients who were screened for tobacco use at least once within 24 months AND who received tobacco cessation intervention if identified as a tobacco user
Numerator Exclusions
Not Applicable
Denominator Exceptions
Population 1: 
Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for tobacco use (eg, limited life expectancy, other medical reason)
Population 2:
Documentation of medical reason(s) for not providing tobacco cessation intervention (eg, limited life expectancy, other medical reason)

Population 3:
Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for tobacco use OR for not providing tobacco cessation intervention for patients identified as tobacco users (eg, limited life expectancy, other medical reason)
Supplemental Data Elements
For every patient evaluated by this measure also identify payer, race, ethnicity and sex

Table of Contents

Population Criteria

Data Criteria (QDM Variables)

Data Criteria (QDM Data Elements)

Supplemental Data Elements

Risk Adjustment Variables

Measure Set