eCQM Title | Hospital Harm – Falls with Injury |
eCQM Identifier (Measure Authoring Tool) | 1017 | eCQM Version Number | 1.2.000 |
CBE Number | 4120e | GUID | e7b2323f-934a-4e2f-abb1-3391011dc5b0 |
Measurement Period | January 1, 20XX through December 31, 20XX | ||
Measure Steward | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) | ||
Measure Developer | American Institutes for Research (AIR) | ||
Endorsed By | CMS Consensus Based Entity | ||
Description |
This ratio measure assesses the number of inpatient hospitalizations where at least one fall with a major or moderate injury occurs among the total qualifying inpatient hospital days for patients age 18 years and older |
Copyright |
Limited proprietary coding is contained in the Measure specifications for user convenience. Users of proprietary code sets should obtain all necessary licenses from the owners of the code sets. American Institutes for Research(R), formerly IMPAQ International, disclaims all liability for use or accuracy of any third party codes contained in the specifications. LOINC(R) copyright 2004-2023 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This material contains SNOMED Clinical Terms(R) (SNOMED CT[R]) copyright 2004-2023 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation. ICD-10 copyright 2023 World Health Organization. All Rights Reserved. |
Disclaimer |
This performance measure is not a clinical guideline and does not establish a standard of medical care, and has not been tested for all potential applications. THE MEASURES AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. Due to technical limitations, registered trademarks are indicated by (R) or [R] and unregistered trademarks are indicated by (TM) or [TM]. |
Measure Scoring | Ratio | ||
Measure Type | Outcome | ||
Stratification |
Risk Adjustment |
Variables being collected for the development of baseline risk adjustment model include encounters with: Medications active on admission such as: - anticoagulants - antidepressants - antihypertensives - central nervous system depressant medications - diuretics - opioids Medications administered during the hospitalization, such as anticoagulants. Diagnoses present on admission which may increase the risk for a fall with injury, such as: - abnormal weight loss or malnutrition - coagulation disorders - delirium, dementia, or other psychosis - depression - epilepsy - leukemia or lymphoma - liver disease (moderate to severe) - malignant bone disease - neurologic movement and related disorders - obesity - osteoporosis - peripheral neuropathy - stroke - suicide attempt Physical traits, such as body mass index (BMI) during the hospital encounter. All encounter diagnoses along with their rank (e.g., 1, 2, 3) and present on admission (POA) indicators are being collected for the development of baseline risk adjustment model. Please see the Hospital Harm - Falls with Injury Risk Adjustment Methodology Report on the eCQM-specific page on the eCQI Resource Center website: |
Rate Aggregation |
None |
Rationale |
Inpatient falls are among the most common incidents reported in hospitals and can increase length of stay and patient costs. Due to the potential for serious harm associated with patient falls, “patient death or serious injury associated with a fall while being cared for in a health care setting” is considered a Serious Reportable Event by the National Quality Forum (NQF, 2019). Falls (including unplanned or unintended descents to the floor) can result in patient injury ranging from minor abrasion or bruising to death as a result of injuries sustained from a fall. While major injuries (e.g., fractures, closed head injuries, internal bleeding) (Mintz et al., 2022) have the biggest impact on patient outcomes, 2008-2021 data findings from The 2022 Network of Patient Safety Databases (NPSD) demonstrated that 41.8 % of falls resulted in moderate injuries such as skin tear, avulsion, hematoma, significant bruising, dislocations and lacerations requiring suturing (NPSD, 2022). Moderate injury is, as defined by the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI), that resulted in suturing, application of steri-strips or skin glue, splinting, or muscle/joint strain (Ganey, 2020). NPSD findings also demonstrated that mild to moderate level of harm represent 24.2.%, 0.4% - severe harm, and 0.1% - death (NPSD, 2022; WHO, 2009). By focusing on falls with major and moderate injuries, the goal of this hospital harm eCQM is to raise awareness of fall rates and, ultimately, to improve patient safety by preventing falls with injury in all hospital patients. The purpose of measuring the rate of falls with major and moderate injury events is to improve hospitals’ practices for monitoring patients at high risk for falls with injury and, in so doing, to reduce the frequency of patient falls with injury. |
Clinical Recommendation Statement |
Certain protocols and prevention measures to reduce patient falls with injury include using fall risk assessment tools to gauge individual patient risk, implementing fall prevention protocols directed at individual patient risk factors, and implementing environmental rounds to assess and correct environmental fall hazards. Recommended clinical guidelines and practices to reduce falls and injuries from falls in hospitals support many prevention activities including implementing multifactorial interventions and tailoring interventions to individual patient's conditions and needs. The intent and desired outcome for this eCQM is to work with existing and recommended falls prevention processes to track falls with injury, and aim to reduce rates of inpatient falls resulting in major injury. Recommended falls prevention guidelines are: - Mohanty, et al. Optimal Perioperative Management of the Geriatric Patient: Best Practices Guideline from ACS NSQIP/AGS, 2016 - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Falls in older people: assessing risk and prevention, 2013 - Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). Preventing falls and reducing injury from falls (4th edition), 2017 - Schoberer et al. Fall prevention in hospitals and nursing homes: Clinical practice guideline, 2022 - World Falls Guidelines (WFG) Task Force, 2022 |
Improvement Notation |
A lower measure score indicates higher quality |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Ganey, P. (2020). Guidelines for data collection and submission on patient falls indicator.' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Mintz, J., Duprey, M. S., Zullo, A. R., Lee, Y., Kiel, D. P., Daiello, L. A., Rodriguez, K. E., Venkatesh, A. K., & Berry, S. D. (2022). Identification of Fall-Related Injuries in Nursing Home Residents Using Administrative Claims Data. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 77(7), 1421–1429.' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Mohanty, S., Rosenthal, R.A., Russell, M.M., Neuman, M.D., Ko, C.Y., & Esnaola, N.F. (2016). Optimal Perioperative Management of the Geriatric Patient: Best Practices Guideline from ACS NSQIP/AGS. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 222(5), 930-947. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2015.12.026' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Montero-Odasso, M., van der Velde, N., Martin, F. C., Petrovic, M., Tan, M. P., Ryg, J., Aguilar-Navarro, S., Alexander, N. B., Becker, C., Blain, H., Bourke, R., Cameron, I. D., Camicioli, R., Clemson, L., Close, J., Delbaere, K., Duan, L., Duque, G., Dyer, S. M., … Rixt Zijlstra, G. A. (2022). World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative. Age and Ageing, 51(9), 1–36.' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'National Quality Forum. (2019). Serious reportable events. Accessed July 24, 2019' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2013). Falls in older people: assessing risk and prevention. Retrieved 4 December 2023, from' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Network of Patient Safety Databases Chartbook. (2022). Retrieved 4 December 2023, from' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017). Preventing falls and reducing injury from falls (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'Schoberer, D., Breimaier, H. E., Zuschnegg, J., Findling, T., Schaffer, S., & Archan, T. (2022). Fall prevention in hospitals and nursing homes: Clinical practice guideline. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, Vol. 19.' |
Reference |
Reference Type: CITATION Reference Text: 'WHO. (2009). Conceptual framework for the international classification for patient safety, Version 1.1.' |
Definition |
A fall is defined as: A sudden, unintentional descent, with or without injury to the patient, that results in the patient coming to rest on the floor, on or against some other surface (e.g., a counter), on another person, or on an object (e.g., a trash can). A fall with moderate or major injury is defined as: A fall and a diagnosis of moderate or major injury during the inpatient hospitalization. Examples of moderate injuries include lacerations, open wounds, dislocations, sprains, and muscle strains. Examples of major injuries include fractures, closed head injuries, and internal bleeding. Inpatient hospitalizations: Includes time in the emergency department and observation when the transition between these encounters (if they exist) and the inpatient encounter are within an hour or less of each other. Present on admission (POA) is defined as the conditions present at the time the order for inpatient admission occurs. The POA Indicator is intended to differentiate conditions present at the time of admission from those conditions that develop during the inpatient admission. A POA Indicator of Y = yes (Diagnosis was present at time of inpatient admission). A POA Indicator of N = no (Diagnosis was not present at time of inpatient admission.) A POA Indicator of W = clinically undetermined. A POA Indicator of U = documentation insufficient to determine if the condition was present at the time of inpatient admission. Per CMS and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) convention, POA indicators of Y and W are accepted indicators of a diagnosis present on admission. POA indicators of N and U are accepted indicators of a diagnosis that is not present on admission. |
Guidance |
Hospital days are measured in 24-hour periods starting from the time of arrival at the hospital (including time in the Emergency Department and or Observation.) The number of days will be counted as whole numbers; any fractional periods are dropped. For example, an eligible encounter with a length of stay of 75 hours will be measured as 3 days (72 hours). Reported as the number of inpatient hospitalizations with falls with moderate or major injury per 1000 patient days. To express the rate of inpatient hospitalizations with falls with moderate or major injury per 1,000 patient days, the following calculation is applied post-production during implementation: (Total number of encounters with falls with moderate or major injury / Total number of eligible hospital days) x 1000 = rate. Example: 1 eligible encounter with a patient fall with moderate or major injury over 120 eligible days (1/120) x 1000 = 8.33. In ratio measures, both the Denominator and Numerator populations flow separately from the same Initial Population. Therefore, the same exclusion criteria must be applied to both the Denominator and Numerator to prevent excluded cases from being considered. This eCQM is an episode-based measure. An episode is defined as each inpatient hospitalization or encounter that ends during the measurement period. This version of the eCQM uses QDM version 5.6. Please refer to the eCQI resource center ( for more information on the QDM. |
Transmission Format |
Initial Population |
Inpatient hospitalizations for patients age 18 and older with a length of stay less than or equal to 120 days that ends during the measurement period |
Denominator |
Equals Initial Population |
Denominator Exclusions |
Inpatient hospitalizations where the patient has a fall diagnosis present on admission |
Measure Observations |
There are two Measure Observations: - Associated with the Denominator: The total number of eligible days across all encounters which match the initial population/denominator criteria. - Associated with the Numerator: The total number of inpatient hospitalizations where a fall with major or moderate injury occurred, across all eligible encounters. |
Numerator |
Inpatient hospitalizations where the patient has a fall that results in a major or moderate injury during the encounter. The diagnosis of a major or moderate injury must not be present on admission. |
Numerator Exclusions |
Inpatient hospitalizations where the patient has a fall diagnosis present on admission |
Supplemental Data Elements |
For every patient evaluated by this measure also identify payer, race, ethnicity and sex |
"Encounter with Age 18 and Older and Length of Stay 120 Days or Less"
"Initial Population"
"Encounter with a Fall Present on Admission"
"Encounter where a Fall and Major Injury Occurred" union "Encounter where a Fall and Moderate Injury Occurred"
"Encounter with a Fall Present on Admission"
Sum ( duration in days of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter ) )
Count ( 1 )
"Initial Population"
"Encounter with a Fall Present on Admission"
"Encounter where a Fall Occurred" FallOccurred where exists FallOccurred.diagnoses MajorInjury where MajorInjury.code in "Major Injuries" and ( MajorInjury.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Not Present On Admission or Documentation Insufficient to Determine" or MajorInjury.presentOnAdmissionIndicator is null )
"Encounter where a Fall Occurred" FallOccurred where exists FallOccurred.diagnoses ModerateInjury where ModerateInjury.code in "Moderate Injuries" and ( ModerateInjury.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Not Present On Admission or Documentation Insufficient to Determine" or ModerateInjury.presentOnAdmissionIndicator is null )
"Encounter with a Fall Event" union "Encounter with a Fall Diagnosis"
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Falldiagnosis where Falldiagnosis.code in "Inpatient Falls" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( ["Adverse Event": "Inpatient Falls"] FallsDocumentation where Coalesce(FallsDocumentation.relevantDatetime, FallsDocumentation.authorDatetime) during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter ) )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Falldiagnosis where Falldiagnosis.code in "Inpatient Falls" and Falldiagnosis.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
Global."Inpatient Encounter" InpatientEncounter where Global."LengthInDays" ( InpatientEncounter.relevantPeriod ) <= 120 and AgeInYearsAt(date from start of InpatientEncounter.relevantPeriod) >= 18
"Encounter with Age 18 and Older and Length of Stay 120 Days or Less"
["Encounter, Performed": "Encounter Inpatient"] EncounterInpatient where EncounterInpatient.relevantPeriod ends during day of "Measurement Period"
"Encounter where a Fall and Major Injury Occurred" union "Encounter where a Fall and Moderate Injury Occurred"
"Encounter with a Fall Present on Admission"
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter return Tuple { encounterId:, diagnosis: QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses.code, rank: QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses.rank, POA: QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses.presentOnAdmissionIndicator }
from ["Physical Exam, Performed": "Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio]"] BMI with "Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( BMI.relevantDatetime, BMI.relevantPeriod ) starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter ) and BMI.result is not null return BMI.result as Quantity
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Malnutrition where Malnutrition.code in "Abnormal Weight Loss and Malnutrition" and Malnutrition.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Anticoagulants for All Indications"] Anticoagulants such that Anticoagulants.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Administered": "Anticoagulants for All Indications"] Anticoagulants such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( Anticoagulants.relevantDatetime, Anticoagulants.relevantPeriod ) starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Antidepressants"] AntidepressantMed such that AntidepressantMed.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Antihypertensives"] BPMeds such that BPMeds.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Central Nervous System Depressants"] CNSMedication such that CNSMedication.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Coagulation where Coagulation.code in "Coagulation Disorders" and Coagulation.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Psychotic where Psychotic.code in "Delirium or Dementia and Other Psychoses" and Psychotic.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Depressed where Depressed.code in "Depression" and Depressed.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Diuretics"] DiureticMeds such that DiureticMeds.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Epileptic where Epileptic.code in "Epilepsy" and Epileptic.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Cancer where Cancer.code in "Leukemia or Lymphoma" and Cancer.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses LiverDisease where LiverDisease.code in "Liver Disease Moderate to Severe" and LiverDisease.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses BoneCancer where BoneCancer.code in "Malignant Bone Disease" and BoneCancer.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses MovementDisorder where MovementDisorder.code in "Neurologic Movement and Related Disorders" and MovementDisorder.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Overweight where Overweight.code in "Obesity" and Overweight.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Opioids"] Opioid such that Opioid.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses PorousBones where PorousBones.code in "Osteoporosis" and PorousBones.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses PeripheralNerveDamage where PeripheralNerveDamage.code in "Peripheral Neuropathy" and PeripheralNerveDamage.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses BrainStroke where BrainStroke.code in "Stroke" and BrainStroke.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses SuicideIntent where SuicideIntent.code in "Suicide Attempt" )
["Patient Characteristic Ethnicity": "Ethnicity"]
["Patient Characteristic Payer": "Payer Type"]
["Patient Characteristic Race": "Race"]
["Patient Characteristic Sex": "ONC Administrative Sex"]
duration in days of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
Encounter Visit let ObsVisit: Last(["Encounter, Performed": "Observation Services"] LastObs where LastObs.relevantPeriod ends 1 hour or less on or before start of Visit.relevantPeriod sort by end of relevantPeriod ), VisitStart: Coalesce(start of ObsVisit.relevantPeriod, start of Visit.relevantPeriod), EDVisit: Last(["Encounter, Performed": "Emergency Department Visit"] LastED where LastED.relevantPeriod ends 1 hour or less on or before VisitStart sort by end of relevantPeriod ) return Interval[Coalesce(start of EDVisit.relevantPeriod, VisitStart), end of Visit.relevantPeriod]
difference in days between start of Value and end of Value
if pointInTime is not null then Interval[pointInTime, pointInTime] else if period is not null then period else null as Interval<DateTime>
["Patient Characteristic Ethnicity": "Ethnicity"]
["Patient Characteristic Payer": "Payer Type"]
["Patient Characteristic Race": "Race"]
["Patient Characteristic Sex": "ONC Administrative Sex"]
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter return Tuple { encounterId:, diagnosis: QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses.code, rank: QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses.rank, POA: QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses.presentOnAdmissionIndicator }
from ["Physical Exam, Performed": "Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio]"] BMI with "Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( BMI.relevantDatetime, BMI.relevantPeriod ) starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter ) and BMI.result is not null return BMI.result as Quantity
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Malnutrition where Malnutrition.code in "Abnormal Weight Loss and Malnutrition" and Malnutrition.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Anticoagulants for All Indications"] Anticoagulants such that Anticoagulants.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Administered": "Anticoagulants for All Indications"] Anticoagulants such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( Anticoagulants.relevantDatetime, Anticoagulants.relevantPeriod ) starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Antidepressants"] AntidepressantMed such that AntidepressantMed.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Antihypertensives"] BPMeds such that BPMeds.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Central Nervous System Depressants"] CNSMedication such that CNSMedication.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Coagulation where Coagulation.code in "Coagulation Disorders" and Coagulation.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Psychotic where Psychotic.code in "Delirium or Dementia and Other Psychoses" and Psychotic.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Depressed where Depressed.code in "Depression" and Depressed.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Diuretics"] DiureticMeds such that DiureticMeds.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Epileptic where Epileptic.code in "Epilepsy" and Epileptic.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Cancer where Cancer.code in "Leukemia or Lymphoma" and Cancer.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses LiverDisease where LiverDisease.code in "Liver Disease Moderate to Severe" and LiverDisease.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses BoneCancer where BoneCancer.code in "Malignant Bone Disease" and BoneCancer.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses MovementDisorder where MovementDisorder.code in "Neurologic Movement and Related Disorders" and MovementDisorder.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Overweight where Overweight.code in "Obesity" and Overweight.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter with ["Medication, Active": "Opioids"] Opioid such that Opioid.relevantPeriod contains start of Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( QualifyingEncounter )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses PorousBones where PorousBones.code in "Osteoporosis" and PorousBones.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses PeripheralNerveDamage where PeripheralNerveDamage.code in "Peripheral Neuropathy" and PeripheralNerveDamage.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses BrainStroke where BrainStroke.code in "Stroke" and BrainStroke.presentOnAdmissionIndicator in "Present on Admission or Clinically Undetermined" )
"Initial Population" QualifyingEncounter where exists ( QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses SuicideIntent where SuicideIntent.code in "Suicide Attempt" )
Measure Set |