eCQM Title

Depression Utilization of the PHQ-9 Tool

eCQM Identifier (Measure Authoring Tool) 160 eCQM Version number 8.4.000
NQF Number 0712e GUID a4b9763c-847e-4e02-bb7e-acc596e90e2c
Measurement Period January 1, 20XX through December 31, 20XX
Measure Steward MN Community Measurement
Measure Developer MN Community Measurement
Endorsed By National Quality Forum
The percentage of adolescent patients 12 to 17 years of age and adult patients age 18 and older with the diagnosis of major depression or dysthymia who have a completed PHQ-9 during each applicable 4 month period in which there was a qualifying depression encounter
Copyright MN Community Measurement, 2019. All rights reserved.

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CPT(R) contained in the Measure specifications is copyright 2004-2018 American Medical Association. LOINC(R) copyright 2004-2018 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This material contains SNOMED Clinical Terms(R) (SNOMED CT[R]) copyright 2004-2018 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation. ICD-10 copyright 2018 World Health Organization. All Rights Reserved.
The performance measure is not a clinical guideline and does not establish a standard of medical care, and has not been tested for all potential applications.


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Measure Scoring Proportion
Measure Type Process
Ages 12 to 17
Ages 18 and older
Risk Adjustment
Rate Aggregation
Depression is a common and treatable mental disorder. 8.1% of American adults age 20 and over had depression in a given 2 week period. Women (10.4%) were almost twice as likely as were men (5.5%) to have had depression. The prevalence of depression among adults decreased as family income levels increased. About 80% of adults with depression reported at least some difficulty with work, home, or social activities because of their depression symptoms (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

Persons with a current diagnosis of depression and a lifetime diagnosis of depression or anxiety were significantly more likely than persons without these conditions to have cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma and obesity and to be a current smoker, to be physically inactive and to drink heavily (Strine et al., 2008).
People who suffer from depression have lower incomes, lower educational attainment and fewer days working each year, leading to seven fewer weeks of work per year, a loss of 20% in potential income and a lifetime loss for each family who has a depressed family member of $300,000 (Smith & Smith, 2010). 

The incremental economic burden of individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) increased by 21.5% (from $173.2 billion to $210.5 billion, inflation-adjusted dollars). The composition of these costs remained stable, with approximately 45% attributable to direct costs, 5% to suicide-related costs, and 50% to workplace costs. Only 38% of the total costs were due to MDD itself as opposed to comorbid conditions (Greenberg, 2015). 

Adolescents and Adults:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that during 2009-2012 an estimated 7.6% of the U.S. population aged 12 and over had depression, including 3% of Americans with severe depressive symptoms. Almost 43% of persons with severe depressive symptoms reported serious difficulties in work, home and social activities, yet only 35% reported having contact with a mental health professional in the past year. Depression is associated with higher mortality rates in all age groups. People who are depressed are 30 times more likely to take their own lives than people who are not depressed and five times more likely to abuse drugs. Depression is the leading cause of medical disability for people aged 14 - 44. Depressed people lose 5.6 hours of productive work every week when they are depressed, fifty percent of which is due to absenteeism and short-term disability.

In 2014, an estimated 2.8 million adolescents age 12 to 17 in the United States had at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year. This represented 11.4% of the U.S. population. The same survey found that only 41.2 percent of those who had a MDE received treatment in the past year. The 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey of students grades 9 to 12 indicated that during the past 12 months 39.1% (F) and 20.8% (M) indicated feeling sad or hopeless almost every day for at least 2 weeks, planned suicide attempt 16.9% (F) and 10.3% (M), with attempted suicide 10.6% (F) and 5.4% (M). Adolescent-onset depression is associated with chronic depression in adulthood. Many mental health conditions (anxiety, bipolar, depression, eating disorders, and substance abuse) are evident by age 14. The 12-month prevalence of MDEs increased from 8.7% in 2005 to 11.3% in 2014 in adolescents and from 8.8% to 9.6% in young adults (both P < .001). The increase was larger and statistically significant only in the age range of 12 to 20 years. The trends remained significant after adjustment for substance use disorders and sociodemographic factors. Mental health care contacts overall did not change over time; however, the use of specialty mental health providers increased in adolescents and young adults, and the use of prescription medications and inpatient hospitalizations increased in adolescents. In 2015, 9.7% of adolescents in MN who were screened for depression or other mental health conditions, screened positively.

Please note that this process measure for administration of the PHQ-9 or PHQ-9M depression tool, a PROM that is validated for both the assessment and diagnosis of depression as well as for monitoring ongoing outcomes of treatment, is a PAIRED process measure with RELATED measures of depression remission (PHQ-9/PHQ-9M < 5) and depression response (PHQ-9/PHQ-9M is improved by > 50%) at six and twelve months. To quote a NQF Behavioral Steering Committee member as these measures were initially endorsed "the best way to avoid being measured is to never give the PHQ-9". This process measure allows an understanding of the use of the tool in the target population, promotes frequent and follow-up contact with patients whose score indicates a need for treatment and serves as a catalyst in a collaborative care model for patients with major depression or dysthymia. It is estimated that up to 90% of patients diagnosed with depression and anxiety are treated solely in primary care (Kendrick et al., 2011).
Clinical Recommendation Statement
Source: Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) Health Care Guideline for Adult Depression in Primary Care (Trangle et al., 2016)

Major depression is a treatable cause of pain, suffering, disability and death, yet primary care clinicians detect major depression in only one-third to one-half of their patients with major depression (Williams et al. 2002; Schonfeld et al., 1997).

Usual care for depression in the primary care setting has resulted in only about half of depressed adults getting treated (Kessler et al., 2005) and only 20-40% showing substantial improvement over 12 months (Unutzer et al., 2002; Katon et al., 1999).

Recommendations and algorithm notations supporting depression assessment and monitoring of depression outcomes according to ICSI's Health Care Guideline:

Recommendation: Clinicians should establish and maintain follow-up with patients.  Appropriate, reliable follow-up is highly correlated with improved response and remission scores. It is also correlated with the improved safety and efficacy of medications and helps prevent relapse. 

Proactive follow-up contacts (in person, telephone) based on the collaborative care model have been shown to significantly lower depression severity (Unutzer et al., 2002). In the available clinical effectiveness trials conducted in real clinical practice settings, even the addition of a care manager leads to modest remission rates (Trivedi et al., 2006; Unutzer et al., 2002). Interventions are critical to educating the patient regarding the importance of preventing relapse, safety and efficacy of medications, and management of potential side effects. Establish and maintain initial follow-up contact intervals (office, phone, other) (Hunkeler et al., 2000; Simon et al., 2000).
PHQ-9 as monitor and management tool. The PHQ-9 is an effective management tool, as well, and should be used routinely for subsequent visits to monitor treatment outcomes and severity. It can also help the clinician decide if/how to modify the treatment plan (Duffy et al., 2008; Lowe et al., 2004). Using a measurement-based approach to depression care, PHQ-9 results and side effect evaluation should be combined with treatment algorithms to drive patients toward remission. A five-point drop in PHQ-9 score is considered the minimal clinically significant difference (Trivedi, 2009). 

Every time that the PHQ-9 is assessed, suicidality is assessed, as well. If the suicidality was indeed of high risk, urgent referral to crisis specialty health care is advised. In case of low suicide risk, the patient can proceed with treatment in the primary care practice (Huijbregts et al., 2013).

Adult Depression in Primary Care - Guideline Aims 
- Increase the percentage of patients with major depression or persistent depressive disorder who have improvement in outcomes from treatment for major depression or persistent depressive disorder. 
- Increase the percentage of patients with major depression or persistent depressive disorder who have follow-up to assess for outcomes from treatment.
- Improve communication between the primary care physician and the mental health care clinician (if patient is co-managed).

Source: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Depressive Disorders (2007)

Recommendations supporting depression outcomes and duration of treatment according to AACAP guideline:
- Treatment of depressive disorders should always include an acute and continuation phase; some children may also require maintenance treatment. The main goal of the acute phase is to achieve response and ultimately full symptomatic remission (definitions below).
- Each phase of treatment should include psychoeducation, supportive management, and family and school involvement
- Education, support, and case management appear to be sufficient treatment for the management of depressed children and adolescents with an uncomplicated or brief depression or with mild psychosocial impairment
- For children and adolescents who do not respond to supportive psychotherapy or who have more complicated depressions, a trial with specific types of psychotherapy and/or antidepressants is indicated

Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care (GLAD-PC) (2018)
Guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care (GLAD-PC): II. Treatment and ongoing management

Recommendations supporting depression outcomes and duration of treatment according to GLAD-PC:
Recommendations for Ongoing Management of Depression:
- Mild depression: consider a period of active support and monitoring before starting other evidence based treatment
- Moderate or severe major clinical depression or complicating factors: 
  -- consultation with mental health specialist with agreed upon roles 
  -- evidence based treatment (CBT or IPT and/or antidepressant SSRI)
- Monitor for adverse effects during antidepressant therapy
  -- clinical worsening, suicidality, unusual changes in behavior
- Systematic and regular tracking of goals and outcomes
  -- improvement in functioning status and resolution of depressive symptoms 
Regardless of the length of treatment, all patients should be monitored on a monthly basis for 6 to 12 months after the full resolution of symptoms
Improvement Notation
Higher scores indicate better quality
Birmaher, B., & Brent, D. (2007). Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with depressive disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(11), 1503-1526. Retrieved from
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Zuckerbrot, R. A., Cheung, A., Jensen, P. S., et al. (2018, March). Guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care (GLAD-PC): Part I. Practice preparation, identification, assessment, and initial management. Pediatrics, 141(3). Retrieved from
Completed PHQ-9 or PHQ-9M - The patient must answer ALL nine questions for the score to be valid
If a patient has a qualifying diagnosis and encounter in more than one of the 4 month periods within the measurement year, the patient must be counted (denominator and numerator) in each qualifying 4 month period. For example, a patient could be counted in the first and third 4 month periods.
Transmission Format
Initial Population
Adolescent patients 12 to 17 years of age and adult patients 18 years of age and older with an office visit and the diagnosis of major depression or dysthymia during the four month period
Equals Initial Population
Denominator Exclusions
1: Patients who died
2: Patients who received hospice or palliative care services
3: Patients who were permanent nursing home residents 
4: Patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder
5: Patients with a diagnosis of personality disorder
6: Patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or psychotic disorder
7: Patients with a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder
Adolescent patients 12 to 17 years of age and adult patients 18 years of age and older who have a PHQ-9 or PHQ-9M tool administered at least once during the four-month period
Numerator Exclusions
Not applicable
Denominator Exceptions
Supplemental Data Elements
For every patient evaluated by this measure also identify payer, race, ethnicity and sex

Table of Contents

Population Criteria




Data Criteria (QDM Data Elements)

Supplemental Data Elements

Risk Adjustment Variables

Measure Set